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We reached home, he parked in front of his house and got out, as soon as he did he went in his house

"Dang, salty bum" i whispered "arnt you going to lock your car?!" I shouted from outside

He came back out to lock his car then went back in

"Tf is wrong with him?" I went in my house and quickly take a bath in warm water

"Mmm feels nice to just sit down and relax" i said to myself, once im done taking a bath that probably took up like 3 hours lol , i got ready for bed

"Mmm feels nice to just sit down and relax" i said to myself, once im done taking a bath that probably took up like 3 hours lol , i got ready for bed

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Then i head downstairs to cook up something to eat, i made myself an omelette and orange juice (i feel like thats for breakfast, but whatever)

I sat down on the couch turning on the tv and ate my omelette while watching kdramas (ugh im obsessed)

When im done i quickly wash my dishes and went up to my room "ugh when is mom and dad gonna be back" i said to myself

I was almost asleep when my phone rang "omg what now?" I said while looking at the caller id "hyunjin?"

I picked up and didn't say anything until he said "hey, just wanna check up on you, your parents wanted me to call you" he said like he cared so much

"yeah im fine, i just finished eating" i replied

"good to know, well um sleep well, goodnight hyunbin" he said

"wait hyunjin" i said "uh yeah?" He replied "why are you doing this?"

Hyunjin pov

"Why are you doing this?" She asked over the phone, i already know what shes talking about but i pretended not to know

"what do you mean?" i said

"why are you ignoring me and then you suddenly care about me, why are you toying me?" She said trying to hold her anger

My heart broke, why would she think im toying her, i would never do that to her "what? I would never toy you, its just" i paused should i tell her?

"Just what?" She asked again



Me and my gang are currently trying to skip school so we all went to the roof top, the roof top is basically our hang out place at school, we sometimes eat lunch here but not to often as we use to since the one who found the place was minho

Minho is a friend of ours who moved away to the states, now its just the six of us :(

We were hanging out, talking and took tons of pics for instagram lol

We had fun until lunch came, so all of us went to the cafeteria and decided to eat there insted

All of us were eating, laughing talking about how our maknae has a new girlfriend again
"Hahahah i swear you switch every week jeongin!" Jisung slapped jeongin's back
"Ahh that hurts!" Jeongin yelled at jisung "hehe mian" jisung replied nervously

"You guys are stupid" felix mumbled at them

"soo hyunbin how are you with hyunjin?" Hana asked "hm? Oh were fine now" i said smiling "now?" Jiho said then they all faced me with a questioning look "well-"

Flashback/story time

"Just what?" I asked him

"Its just that.....i.....was so busy" he said which sounded like he just thought about it

"Oh, well im sorry if i ever stress you out" i said lowly (is that even a word?)

"No! No... you never stressed me out" he said

"Okay, good to hear then" i said

"You know what, fuck it! Haliee doesn't want me being close to you, but i had to sometimes, because i would get worried if you get sick or whatever and because im in charge of looking after you while your parents are gone" he said so fast that i almost didn't hear him, but i did

"Owhh...hyunjin i didn't know....i-im sorry for getting mad at you i didn't mean to, i just thought your....toying me" i said in an apologetic way

"No don't apologize, im the one who should be sorry, i should tell you, and it was stupid of me to think of ignoring my best friend just because of a girl" he said

He called me his best friend😣
Somehow im happy but then sad because i know...he would just see me as a friend

"I forgive you" i said smiling

"So... friends?" He said

"Yeah, friends!" I said

After a long talk about us catching up since he decided to ignore me i began to rant about the guy in the kdrama in currently watching, i am always like this to him, he is where i rant about things...

End of flashback/story time

"Ohhhhhhh so thats why you're so happy today" jeongin exclaimed

"Stfu jeongin , this is girls shit" hana said

"Lol whatever" jeongin said

Hyunjin pov

I decided to eat at the teachers cafeteria today, i went with woojin hyung and some other teacher, haliee took a leave today because her dad was sick, how nice of her to look after her dad the only problem is that im missing her :(

Oh well, me and woojin hyung walked in the cafeteria where the students eat

We both head to the teachers lounge,while i was walking i saw hyunbin and her friends, she looks so happy

I smiled looking at her being the happy girl she is, sometimes im really confused, my heart beats whenever im around haliee but not as fast as it beats when im with hyunbin, when im with her i feel comfortable, maybe because we're used to telling each other things

"Hyunjin-ah, what do you want to eat?" Woojin hyung asked me

"Oh, um jjajangmeon sounds really good right now, soooo maybe that. What are you getting" i replied  then asked back

"You already know, CHICKEN!!!" he said all excited

"Aahahahaha hyung your so funny" i said

Hyunbin pov

"Hey isnt that your sugar daddy?" Jisung said

"Huh wtf who's my-" I asked while looking around until my eyes landed on hyunjin "okay, first he is not my sugar daddy. Second he is dating haliee" i sasi clearly

"You like him there is no denying that he is your sugar daddy" felix said while the others agreed

"Yeah, i like him but that doesn't make him my sugar daddy" i said with a victory smile

"Yeah, yeah whatever" jisung said

Author's words
Ajdjsjjsndhdh sooo sorry for not updating!! I dint have any ideasss....can you guys help? Recommend some ideas maybe ill add it in this book
Lots of love from ME!!

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