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The week ended faster than usual and since fall was here i decided to take a little stroll

Walking the streets of seoul at night was so refreshing, i never thought doing just this could make me calm

Since its cold out i wore this


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An hour passed and i seem to found myself in front of the cafe me, hyunjin and haliee once went

Flashbacks of the day replayed in my head, i remembered i tried to make haliee jealous by being close hyunjin

I giggled as i remembered how angry haliee was

I decided to enter cafe and maybe order a drink

I didn't notice until i was inside, i saw hyunjin by himself

So I walked to him, he noticed me

"Oh? Hey hyunbin, what are you doing here?" He asked with a smiley face

"Oh i was just taking a stroll then reached here all sudden" i giggled after

"Oh....here have a seat" he said and gestured me to sit next to him

I just nod and sat where he told me to sit "so what are you doing here?" I asked him

He smiled then said " nothing really, i just wanted to take a sip of hot chocolate"

"Oh, did you order yet?" I asked

"Yeah, do you want one?" He asked

"Yeah i do, I'll just go and order mine" i got up only to be pulled back down by the wrist

I gave hyunjin a questioning look

"Its okay ill just add that to my order" he said still holding my wrist

"But you would have to pay min-" i said but git cut off by hyunjin "yes i know"

I nod. We didn't break eye contact for a while but then i broke it looking down to my wrist that he was still holding

He did the same but when he realize he was still holding me he flinched and let go

His warm hand was replaced by a cold breeze

He put his hand up and a worker came "yes sir?" He asked

"I know i have to order at the counter but can you just add another hot chocolate to my receipt" hyunjin casually spoke to the guy

"Oh alright" the dude said and left leaving us sitting here awkwardly

"Hey i wanna show u this funny vine compilation on YouTube, i cant get over how funny it is " i laughed while trying to show it to him

He slapped the table and laughed so loud that everyone turned their heads looking at us

He kept slapping the table while laughing and watching the video

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now