5-you have a girlfriend!~

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I saw hyunjin

Making out with ms.lee

My heart broke into a million pieces

Tears started to fall out my eyes and my vision got blurry

I ran to the nearest toilet

"So thats why he went early this morning" i said to myself

"Im so stupid to think we actually had something!" I screamed

I cried and cried that i dint even realize that the first period was over

It was now the second period

"Ugh i should head to class" i whispered

I cleaned myself and fixed my uniform

When i was done i went out and walked to class
I have a class with hyunjin on second period

Great just great...

I sat down on my seat and sarah noticed my puffy eyes

"Hey are you ok? What happened? Why did you come on second period?" She boomed me with questions

"Yeah im fine and i just woke up late" lame excuse but fudge it

"Okk everyone settle down!" Hyunjin walked in

How am i gonna face him, i JUST CRIED BCS OF HIM!!

We made eye contact and he looked worried

I quickly looked away pretending that im writing things on my book

He started the class

We learned a new chapter today

After class i quick wanted to leave

I really didn't want to face him

"Hyunbin" he called

I mentally cursed myself

"Y-yes?" I stopped my tracks but didn't face him

The students all left already so it was just hyunjin and me

"Look at me" he said

I turned around to face him and his eyes widened

"Omg! Are you ok? What happened?" He asked looking really worried

"Im fine, nothing happened"
No im not! You made me like this pabo!

"You dont look fine" he said

He gestured me to come to him so i went to him

He got up and gave me a big hug

Somehow i felt warm and safe being in his arms

It was all good until

"Jinnie?" (This bitch has to ruin a good mood godddd!!!)

He pulled away and seemed surprised
"Oh lilie" he said

"Lilie?" I whispered to him acting confused

"Ill tell you later okay?" He said smiling

".....okay" i said

"Baby c'mon im hungry~" ms.lee did an aeygo

Eww i feel like throwing up

"Uh sure just a second" he said to her

"See you later hyunbin" he said casually

"Yea...see you...later" i said as tears were threatening to fall down my face

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now