bonus chapter<3

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Hyunbin pov~

Its been 9 months and hyunjin has been taking care of me very well, i love how he cooks me breakfast everyday and giving me little kisses everywhere around my face

The doctor said that i could have contraptions anytime soon, so the doctor suggested i should stay in the hospital

I hate it here, the food is gross, hyunjin is working and im alone, its better being alone at home than being here

Hyunjin should be back soon so i just laid there and watched got7 on my phone, my bias is mark if you want to know (obviously this is just random)

Hyunjin arrived a few moments later, he brought porridge for me, as much as i enjoy him getting food for me, i hate porridge

"Cmon, eat up princess" he held the spoon to my mouth but i avoided it

"Hyunjin i dont want that, it tastes horrible" i crossed my arms together

"Baby you have to eat something" he caressed my right hand as he was sitting on my right

"Can i have tteokbokki please" i begged him

He sighed "fine, but only because I love you" he smiled

"Yayyyy, isn't daddy is the best?" I talked to the baby

"No no, the baby will call me appa" hyunjin objected

"What why??" I whined

"Because only you can call me daddy" he smirked

"Omg hyunjin, we are about to have a baby for god's sake" i rolled my eyes, and he just laughed

He went and buy me tteokbokki from the food court downstairs. Right when he came back i had contraptions

"Hyunjin" i called him slowly

"Hm" he hummed but didn't look at me

"Hyunjin!" I screamed

"What? What?" He turned to me panicking

"It hurts please help! Call the doctor!" I yelled

Hyunjin rushed to out the room to call a doctor and soon they arrived, they pushed me to the emergency room, i saw hyunjin in tears, affraid of anything that would happen to me

3 years later~

No ones pov

"Omma? Appa?" Its 2  a.m. in the morning Eunha walked out of her room searching for her parents, slowly she walked down the stairs, affraid because the lights were off

She walked to the kitchen, she over heard her parents arguing about something

"Hyunjin its her birthday tomorrow! You cant go! What am i going to say to her 'appa is working even though its your birthday'?"

"You don't understand! If i don't go, no one is going to lead the meeting!"

"Fine! Do whatever you want, im done with your bullshit. I never wanted a father like this but my daughter has one" hyunbin left his husband is the kitchen alone

"Omma" the little girl called her mother

"Oh eunha? What are you doing out of bed honey?" Hyunbin asked her daughter with tears in her eyes after arguing with hyunjin

"Omma, why are you crying?" The little one asked

"What? No im not crying, lets go upstairs okay?" Quickly she wiped her tears and carried her daughter back to her room

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now