3- jealous

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He opened the door revealing ms.lee, a teacher from my school around 25? Yea i dont really know

But what is she doing here? How did she know he lives here?

I ease dropped a little

"Oh hi haliee" hyunjin greeted

"Hi hyunjin i came here to ask you of you want to go and eat lunch with me? Im kinda hungry right now" she pouted

Eww wth?

"You could habe texted me but ok...sure why not"

Wth am i not here or something?

I couldn't help but feel angry...ugh what is this feeling, something about him just effects me

"But im not alone tho, im with my neighbour, hyunbin" he looked at me and i stare at him wide eyed

I walked to them and stood next to hyunjin

"Hyunbin? Oh isn't she one of your students?" Ms.lee asked

"Yeah she is, but were really close now, right?" He asked putting his arm around my shoulders

"Yes, very close" i smiled

"A little too close" ms.lee whispered

"So can she come with us?" Hyunjin asked

"Oh no thanks, im good" i declined nicely

"Yeah your mom is probably worried about you, better get going" ms.lee said really annoyed

Then i got an idea, i'll piss her off by going with them, and make her jealous, because clearly he likes hyunjin

I dont like that

"Awh really you cant come with us?" Hyunjin asked again

"You know what? Why not ill just text my mom saying im going out with you, im sure she understands" i said smiling

That female dog rolled her eyes and faked a smile " well okay lets get going then"

I grab my phone and texted my mom then the three of us went in the car

Ms.lee is driving so she sat on the drivers seat while hyunjin sat in front next to her

I sat at the back on the middle, leaning my body to the front so that i was in the middle of them

"So where are we eating" i asked as ms.lee starts to drive

"Not sure, where do you want to go hyunjin?" She asked hyunjin as if i wasn't here

"Um i dunno, any suggestions hyunbin?" He asked me

"Uh i heard that a new cafe is opened near here, lets go there" i suggested

"Sounds good, dont you think haliee?" Hyunjin asked her

"Yeah sure" she rolled her eyes

We stopped in front of the cafe and went out after parking the car

I walked next to hyunjin while ms.lee locks the door

"Ugh im so hungrehh" i said pouting

"Aish you're so cute!" Hyunjin pinched my cheeks

I could feel the burning stare from ms.lee behind us

"What no im not you're cuter" i giggled

"You guys dont seem like a student and a teacher, more like a couple" ms.lee said

Both of our eyes went wide

"Um wdym were just really good friends, right?" I said to ther then to hyunjin

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now