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Hyunbin pov~

He looked at my lips and looked at his

We almost kissed

But then some bitch had to ruin the fucken mood

The doorbell rang like a billion times

We both flinched and hyunjin ran towards the door answering it

Hyunjin pov~

I answered the door and 3 guys and 2 girls around hyunbins age was there

"Uh....can i help you?" I asked

"Yeah, yeah you can, what happened to our best friend? Why is she not home?!" A boy with squirrel-like features and others agreeing with him

"Oh- shes fine, she's staying at my house for tonight" i said

Hyunbin pov~

"Ok what the flip is going on?" I said walking to them 'fighting'

I stood next to hyunjin and saw all my friends at his front door

"Yo! Wth jisung?!" I yelled

"Yah, yah. We were just concerned about you kay?!" He yelled back

"uhm why don't you guys come in" hyunjin said to them

Damn it, we almost kissed, why th did they ruin the mood uuuuuuuuggggghhhhhh

They all entered and made the house like their own

"Yah! This is not my house! Respect his privacy!" I said to them

"Oh yeah sorry" jeongin said

All of them sat up straight on the couch while hyunjin went to get drinks

"Sooo what happened why we're not here" felix asked and wiggled his eyebrows

"Sooo what happened why we're not here" felix asked and wiggled his eyebrows

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"Okay wtf?" I said

"Yeah hyunbin, did you guy make out before we came?" Jisung said and also wiggled his brows while the rest agreed to him

I gave a 'wtf?!' look to them

"Um i don't really have drinks that much... Does cola works?" Hyunjin said bringing a try of 7 cans

"Oh they're fine, besides they don't deserve this" I said nicely to hyunjin then glared at them

"What?" Felix and jisung said

Jeongin hana and jiho went straight for the drinks

"So...when are you guys leaving?" I asked, pulling of the 'im innocent' look

"Geez, we'll leave after we finish the drinks" hana said

I nod

"Soo who are you guys?" Hyunjin asked

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now