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Today was one of the worst days in my life, some students saw dating outside of school and she reported to the principal

So now me and hyunjin are in front of the principal's desk

Mr.soo showed us a picture he got from the student to us, both of us kept our heads down

"This is a serious matter! Look at this! Do you know what you're doing is illegal?!" He yelled at us "Mr.hwang! You should know better! She's 17!" He yelled at hyunjin

"Im sorry sir but i love her and she is not at fault....i am, i was the one who asked her out-" hyunjin tried ti to explain but i cut off his words

"No, this is my fault, if i had just not become friends with him i wouldn't have fall for him and this would never happen" i said

"No! Both of you are crazy! Do you know how many years you could be prisoned?!" Yet again we looked down

"I know sir" hyunjin said

"Now listen carefully, i want both of you to forget about each other and go back to being as a student and a teacher, break up! Do whatever! Just go back to the way things where when you didn't know him as anyone! But a teacher" he yelled

My eyes are watering from hearing his words, how could i? The memories we had was amazing, its hard to forget all the memories we had together, sure i can delete our photos, his contact and our relationship but how do i delete his face? His voice? And our memories?

"I cant do that, im sorry sir" hyunjin spoke up

"Well in that case, i will bit pay you salary until you do as i say" he said to hyunjin

"What?! How am i going to pay the bills and buy food for myself??" Hyunjin said

"Then break up!" He yelled "this is the end if this conversation, now get out!" He said

Wow I didn't know love could be so cruel

Both of us walked out

"Im sorry princess" hyunjin said as he hugged me

"H-hyunjin, maybe its best if we do what he wants" i said with my voice cracking and tears threatening to fall down

"W-what? No we'll fix this, i promise" hyunjin looked at me with hope that ill say yes

Im sorry hyunjin, i love you, I don't want you to loose your job because of me

"I-i think its for the best" i look down as a tear escape my eyes, i left him there, not wanting to make the matter worse

I went back to class, then soon after hyunjin came in

To be honest he looked broken, just like i am

"Hyunbin, im so sorry, i needed the money, without it i wont be able to pay for my mothers hospital bills" jennie came running to me apologizing

"What?" I asked confused, what did she mean?

"O-oh you didn't know? O-ok nevermind then" she smiled and walked away leaving me confused

Hyunjin still tried to teach the class but he was super boring, some of the students fell asleep

The bell finally rang

I packed my things, ready to go home

I asked jisung if i could stay at his apartment for a few weeks since me and hyunjin are taking a break

He agreed to accompany me to hyunjin's house to get my things, i told him everything from the student to ne deciding to take a break

After telling him everything we went to hyunjin's house

We reached hyunjin's house, the lights were on so i assume hyunjin was home already

I told jisung to wait in the car while i grab some stuff

I walked in and saw hyunjin on the couch, drinking

"H-hyunjin, what are you doing?!" It was terrifying to him like this

"Oh hey *hiccup* princess, i miss you *hiccup*" he smiled with his eyes half open

"You're drunk, please sit down" i pushed him to the sofa

I saw tears in his eyes, then he hugged me "p-please don't leave me" he pleded

My uniform was covered with his tears, i felt my cheeks getting wet

"I-i won't" i called jisung and told him to go home and that ill explain later

After im done, i looked back at hyunjin, he's sleeping

"Hyunjin, lets sleep upstairs" i shake his body

He got up and i helped him walk up to his room

He walked like a drunk person would usually walk

I tucked him in bed and he slept fine but when i was about to walk away, he held my wrist

"Promise to never leave me?" He said

"P-promise" i feel guilty because i know sooner or later ill end up leaving him, i love him and i dont want him to hurt

He pulled me with him in the bed, i did tried to escape a few times but gave up because YALL KNOW HOW STRONG HYUN HYUN I MEAN THE ABS!!!

The next morning, i woke up and saw no one next to me

Where's hyunjin?

I went downstairs and saw hyunjin cooking breakfast for us

I sat on the table quietly not wanting him to notice i was here

As he turned around to put the food on the plates he saw "HOLY MOTHER FUCKI-hyunbin! Omg you scared me! You're lucky i didn't drop this!" He said with his hand on his chest

He walked slowly to the table and place the food on the plates

"Good morning how are you feeling?" he asked

"I should be the one asking you that, you were drunk last night" i said coldly

"Y-yeah" he said

Honestly i dont like this, this awkward silence is driving me crazy

"S-so about yester-" he started

"Hyunjin i don't want to talk about this" i said

"We have to, i have to do something! I cant loose you" he said as he runs his hands through his hair "please" he whispered

I looked down, not wanting my tears to fall, it fell

I sob and my sobs are getting louder by the minute

"I hate this! Why is love so cruel to me!" I yelled

He got up and hugged me tight as i quietly sob on his shirt

He gently caress my head and kissed my forehead

"Love is painfull, but if we do nothing, it wouldn't get any better" hyunjin said

"I love you" i mumbled

"I love you too, now we need to solve this problem" he said

Author's words
Pum pum pummmmm!!!!! Omg this book is ending im emotional rn! And since it is, can sum of you guys suggest any memebr of stray kids to do a book on? I have a book prepared (not done writing tho) for when im done with this book

Please comment and vote <3

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