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Hyunbin pov~


"Hyunbinnnn help!" Jisung came running to me

"What? Ok can i just say you look like a squirrel who lost his nuts lol" i said and laughed

"Im serious!" He said

"Okay okay, what?" I asked

"I want to confess my feelings to jiho, but HOW?" he said

"Oh my friend, thats up to you, im sure she'll like you back" i said

"I dont know" he said

"Omg just do it!" I said

"Okay okay, ugh your no help" he said

"Kay kay im off" i said

I walker to class and learn about shit then lunch came we all sat together at out table

"Guys i feel sick" hana said

"Omg ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" Jeongin yelled

"Yah! No im not i just feel sick!" Hana yelled back

Jeongins mouth formed and 'o' shape

"Jiho can i talk to you?" Jisung ask

"Sure" jiho said

"Cmon" jisung pulled jiho out of the cafeteria

"Love birds lol" Felix said

Jisung pov~

I had a crush on jiho for a long time and now i want to confess my feelings towards her, i hope she says yes, oh please let her say yes

We walked hand in hand together until we reached the back of the school

We were quiet at first but then i spoke up

"So um" i started while scratching the back if my neck

"So..." She repeated me while looking away

"Soo i kinda- um i sort of- like you?" I said more like a question (inside ma hesd to many questions!)

"Oh" she said then became silent

"I-its okay if you don't like me back its just-" i said but then cut off by jiho

"No! Its not like i don't like you back its just i've never seen you more than just my best friend but, we could try?" She said

"Do you really want to, its okay if you don't, don't do it because you feel sorry for me" i said

"No i really do want to try, you'll win my heart at some point if you try" she said

I smiled widely before pulling her into a warm hug. I muttered a small thank you to her

We let go of each other, jiho said we're not a couple yet but if i win her heart we will, she says that i can now be toucy with her but not to much

After the 'talk' we walked back to the cafeteria

Hyunbin pov~

Lunch is about to end where are those two?

Just when i looked at the entrance i saw them walking in together hand in hand, they probably started to date

After they sat down i quickly said "spill the tea squirrel"

He told everything to the gang, we kept teasing them and eveything

The day went by just fine, i went to class to walk out with hyunjin since we go home together everyday

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now