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Hyunjin pov~

I went to her apartment and knocked on her door

She opened the door and smiled

Honestly why did she came back?

She was the one who moved away without saying anything

But to be completely honest we never broke up

"Hi hyunjin" she came to give me a hug but i pushed her slowly

"Lets just talk" i said

"You don't want to come in?" She said

I shook my head and she pouted

"Hyunjin i cooked for you, dont you want some?" She said

I sigh "fine" i said and walked in her house

When did she learn to cook, she was never fond of cooking

"Here" she said and sat down at her table

"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked while putting some food on the plate for me

"About last night, please dont do that again" i said

"What why? We're still together we never broke up" she said

"I have a girlfriend and i love her and im planning to tell her everything when i het back because i knew i left her hanging when i left to come here" i said

"Oh please, you don't love her, you love me" she said

"I used to love you mina, but i don't now" i said

"What the fuck hyunjin? I saw how you looked at me last night i know you still love me" she said

"No I don't, i guess i was just in shock after seeing you again" i said

"No hyunjin, you love me and we are still together which means you're cheating on me with that- that bitch!" She said

Ive had enough

I hit the table as i got up from the chair "dont you dare call the a bitch! I dont love youa anymore and if you really belive that we're still together, we're done, now dont ever act like my girlfriend!" I said and left

Mina pov~

How could he do this to me? I love him, i never dated anyone after i moved, its all because i love him, i hate my parents for not letting me say anything to him, they were never fond of me and hyunjin being together

When i came back i thought hyunjin was still waiting for me, but i was wrong, he has a girlfriend

Whatever it is im going to get him back

Even if it's the last thing i do

Hyunbin pov~

I heard the front door opening and i assume it was hyunjin

And it was, he came to sit next to me

I looked at him but i was affraid to say anything since he shouted at me this morning and i didn't want him to be in a bad mood

"Im sorry for shouting at you this morning and if you want an explanation, ill give it to you" hyunjin said

"Okay, so what happened" i asked him

He sighed "well when i was your age i dated mina, she was my first girlfriend, her parents didn't really like me so they didn't accept me being with mina, one day i went to her house, i wanted to see her parents and talk about why they didn't like me and maybe i could change, but when i got there the house was empty the front yard didn't have their decorations like when she used to live there, i asked her neighbor and her neighbor said that mina and her family moved the day before, at that time i felt my heart broke and for a year i didnt seem to move on from her, until i met another girl, she was nice and all but shes a real bitch, she cheated on me tbh it didn't really hurt me, it did fir little while but then not anymore" hyunjin explain

"Offfff i feel jelly" i said

He laughed and hugged me

"Well whatever its is, i will never leave you for anyone else, and im not like those guys who couldn't keep their promise, i keep my promises" he said and smiled

I smiled back and pecked his lips

"What i wanted to say last night was i love you" i said

"Aww princess, i love you too" he said

Hyunjin ended up taking me out to dinner again since last night didn't go so well this time told him to just go to McDonald's

After we ate we went home and sat lazyly on the couch

"Gosh im stuffed" i said

"Same" he said

Both of us fell asleep onthe couch

I woke up at 3 a.m. because im thirsty

"Princess?" Hyunjin called

I looked at him and he was rubbing his eyes


"Where are you going? I wanna cuddle" he said then pouted

"Im just gonna go and get a drink" i said and giggled

When i came back hyunjin got up from the couch "lets sleep upstairs" he said

"Okay" i smiled

We got in bed and we cuddled each other to sleep

"I love you" he mumbled

"I love you too" i said

The nxt morning we ate breakfast together and my friends texted me saying they're coming over

"Hyunjin, is it okay if my friend come over today?" I asked him

"Sure" he said and kept playing fortnite

Yeah we fixed the console and he kept on beating my scores lately ughh

My friends arrived

"What up fuckers! Lit people here!" Jisung yelled as he entered our house

Tbh he does this alot we're used to it lol

"Eyyyyyy wadup" felix said holding onto changbin

"I love dark" changbin said

"STEP OUT! I.N IMNIDA!!!" jeongin said, tf is i.n?

"Heiiii hyunbinnn" seungmin said

"Hello i am bang chan!" Chan is here too

"Hyunbinnnnnnnnn!!!!" Minho yelled as he enters

"GIRL WASUPPPPP" Hana yelled

"Eyo eyo" jiho said

"You guys are legit annoying" i said

"We know i know you know LEE KNOW" minho said


"Whatever" he said

"We miss you hyunbinnn" hana hugged me followed by everyone of them

"Yah yah not to hard, you'll squish my girlfriend to death" hyunjin came behind me

"Yea yea we get it" jeongin said

We all laughed and spent time together like a family

Author's words
Eyy sup pepss lol i updated at like 2 am Ahsjsjsjsksjuf whatever, i went to the mall with my aunt todei and i got a sweater wuuu FOR FREE YALL ps im not tryina brag
Xoxo love u guys

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