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Hyunjin pov~

Today im taking my princess out to the amusement park, so i told her to get ready

She came downstairs all ready and dressed

She came downstairs all ready and dressed

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"You look adorable" i said

"Really, i was trying to make myself look at least not cute" She said

I laughed "well you cant because you're too cute" i said and i saw her blushing

"Y-yeah right" she said

I laughed again. I am so happy to have her as my girlfriend

Hyunbin pov~

We walked out together and hyunjin opened the passengers door for me to get in

I thanked him as i get in

We drove off to the amusement park

While we were in the car hyunjin held my hand

I tensed up, its not the first time but he never fails to make me feel like i have a hole zoo in my stomach everytime

"I love you" he said

"I-i love you too" i said as i blushed

We reached there and hyunjin parked his car by the entrance

"Soooo what ride do you want to go on first?" He asked

"The merry go round!!!!" I screamed as i ran to the ride like a kid

Hyunjin shook his head and smiled

"You go, im good" he said

"Damn you're missing out" i said and got on the ride

The ride started after a few people sat on it and paying the guy who control the ride

"WOOOHOOO" I screamed as the ride started and i got stares from the little girls who rode it with me

Geez cant a girl ride sumthin fun?

After it ended hyunjin wanted to go on the roller coaster

"You're doing this on purpose! You just wanted me hug you like last time!" I said and i hit his forarm(lol duno how to spell)

"Why wouldn't i want that? You are my girlfriend" he smirked

I rolled my eyes

"Fine lets go" i said

We got on the ride, i was already shaking, i am sacrificing my hair that i did for 2 hours for him so he betta love me

The ride started after we buckled outr belt, it was fine when the ride went up but then when it went down i screamed and loud as i can and i hold on to hyunjin

Hyunjin laughed at me, i hit his back for doing so

I screamed the hole ride, when i got off my legs started to wable

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now