6-you're not mine~

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"wh-what?" I was confused

He just smiled

My phone rang out of the blue

I pick it up, it was my mom

"My princess how are you doing?"

"Im doing good, everything's fine here no need to worry about me"

"That is good to hear, i just wanted to check on you...where are you now hon?"

"Im at hyunjin's, we were hanging out"

"Oh, well okay have fun!"

"Okay mom bye, love you"

"Love you to sweetheart"

The call ended

Awkward silence filled the air, not one of us said a word until the doorbell rang

"I-i'll get it" i said to him and he just replied with a nod

I walked to the door and opened it, haliee showed up all the sudden

As soom as she saw me her face turn to a bitchy face in 0.1 second

"Ugh, what are you doing here?" She asked while rolling her eyes, probably irritated to the fact that im at her boyfriend's house 24/7

"Hyunbin-ah who is it?" Hyunjin asked walking to us

"Oh, haliee" he mumbled

"Oh, haliee" he mumbled

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His face expression ^^

"Annyeong oppa!" Haliee said in like a super fake tone while im here trying to hold my laugh

"You cant call him that tho" i said smiling

"Ugh why the heck not?!" She asked while shouting

"Lol its kinda obvious, you're like way to old to call him "oppa" " i giggled after

She stared at me in disbelieve

She rolled her eyes at me and went straight to hyunjin giving him a small peck on the lips then began talking like i wasn't here

My heart hurts
Im boiling in anger
I feel the need to just slap her!

Hyunjin wasn't even mine....

As tears were threatening to fall out i quickly picked up my stuff and left

I heard hyunjin calling me a few times

I dint stop walking but i turn my head to look at him

Haliee was stopping him from calling me

Why is it not going my way?

Back home i just locked myself in my house and ran to my room

I walked in my room "didn't think my room was this sad before" i said weakly

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now