2- detention~

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Hyunbin pov

I was walking down the hall to the detention class since i got detention from mr bums head

I got to the classroom that says "detention" on the door and walked in

It was empty -_-

"Am it he only one who got detention?" I thought to myself

I sat down on the front so that i could leave as quick as possible

I took out a book that im currently reading

It was about a taecher and a student who fell in love

I begin to read when someone opened the door

I looked up from my book to see who it is

Its mr bums head

I rolled my eyes and countinued to read

He sat on the teachers table and began to read as well

I dint know he was the detention teacher, no wonder he gave me detention

45 minutes past and he started to rome around the room

He walked over to my desk and read what i was reading

He leaned closer placing his chin on my shoulders while reading the book

I closed the book

"what are you doing?" I asked

He sniffed me and said "you smell good"
While smiling

I turned to face him and we were just inches apart 😳

"Nothing" He smiled, replilying shortly

No one's pov

The two was mesmerized by each other's eyes

Hyunjin leaned closer to kiss the girl

So did she

Just when their lips are about to touch, the bell rung

He sighed and looked down shuting his eyes to calm himself down

The girl was madly blushing but tried coveri ng the fact that she is blushing

Hyunbin pov

"We almost kissed!!"

"Omg hyunbin what were you thinking?!"

"He's your teacher for gods sake!"

I thought to myself while packing my stuff and leaving the detention class

I looked back while shutting the door and we made eye contact

He just looked at me and smiled a little

I just left, leaving him there

Time skip~~

I got in my house and was greeted by my mom who was watching tv

"You're an hour late. Did you get detention?" My mom asked looking at me

"Yes i did" i sighed

"Its okay, go fix up i need you to help me with something" she said while turning back to the tv


I went up stairs and took a shower and change to more comfortable clothes

I put on my over sized baby blue shirt that says "im crazy" on the top left and paired it with some white shorts

I Fell For My Teacher [ Hwang hyunjin ]Where stories live. Discover now