Exploring The Area

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(Y/n) POV-
         As I wondered out of the crater I found myself in a Forrest, after I scanned the area I wondered through the Forrest for about an hour sharpening two palm sized stones I found along the way, in case I need some form of projectile, but maintaining the ability to be discreet incase I cross sentient lifeforms.

(Leaves crunch)

I turn abruptly hiding the stones in my palms. What i see couldn't shock me more...... A human couple in their late thirties two early forties

woman- " oh honey you know you shouldn't have brought two packed coolers. We should head back to the
Car. "

man- " but sweetie you know I was excited for this hike I even called off work for the next three days. (Sigh) Oh well I guess we should turn back"

They then notice me standing I between the trees staring when my stomach growls. I quickly act going with the atmosphere, I stumble before falling to my knees clutching my waist. Hoping to pull the sympathy card, and not wanting to scare this opportunity away, I let my dirt and bloodstained clothes with its rips showing my non fully healed wounds from my Impact as well as my battle scars do most the talking.

Man- " Holy hell sonny what happened to you"

He preceded to rush over to my aid. Realizing my young appearance of 17 do too my suspended animation, and slowed aging rate I developed from argent absorption. I began to workout a cover story and backstory to use for my identity

(Y/n)- "no...home...lost"

I then flawlessly pretend to fall unconscious. In order to sell my story and see how things develop

Man- " poor boy must have been out here for the longest do you see those he must be suffering with these injuries we need to get him medical treatment. honey  I'll drop the coolers and bring him to the car can you help me carry him into passenger? "

Woman - " Certainly you drive him to the ER while I call to inform the police of our discovery he might be a missing person"

As they brought me to the car I couldn't stop myself from feeling comforted by there sincerity. I then thought about how this pain I'm in they spoke of, well actually the lack there of.  throughout my decades maybe even centuries of demon hunting I've developed such a tolerance to pain that a even a cyber demons unprotected slash to my unadorned torso barley stings. The hell spawn would never of had the chance to attack had I not needed to use the restroom, the damn facility failed to pick up its demonic energy signature.

Needless to say I'm pain resistant to non human standards let alone the mental and physical conditioning I've undergone throughout my existence. You see I was just a normal preteen who was drafted into the military do to the constant wars over the control of the new Martian territory that science was almost at the stage of achieving mar colonization. I exceeded in training and was made into a marine their I fought countless battles in which no soldiers on either side had any stake In only succeed to survive. Do to me distinguishing my self they sent me as part of a elite squad of marines and 
Other special forces sent to investigate the status of a distress call from a Martian colony that went dark.....

Up there we encountered our first glimpse at hell, stench, blood , and bodies strewn about every corridor, ohh and demons. That's where I distinguished myself from a soldier to the nightmare off all of hell. My comrades where shredded,they put up a fight just not good enough. I however out of ammo and time instead of excepting my fate I grabbed the newly severed femur of my commander lodged it into nasal cavity of the abomination cornering me and used it to twist its head off.

After my reminiscing was done I found myself in the ER being treated for my injuries sustained in cross universal travel, luckily the praetor suit protected me as well as provide life support or else I'd be dead well it's time to -gain consciousness soon-

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