Back in Business

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Authors note - I will try to get back in the swing of things updates may be slow but I'm overcoming writers block so it's the best I can do. So let's get back into the story-

(Y/n) pov -

I had made an agreement with the Angel faction to assist them with the matter of the dead priests, and the missing Excalibur pieces. My "fiancé " had suggested against my contact with the church but I felt I necessary for increasing the reputation of my faction.

Apparently the church felt a sort of kinship towards me once they learned of my history of fighting demons, and mowing down the hordes of evil. This has become problematic for me do to my history when the factions all learned of my history they were speechless to say the least. Especially the fact that I had been given power by a nephilem in my previous world. So I was revered as this new deity which transcended from being a human, to a divine protector of life. The scary thing to me is they aren't wrong.

The full story is that I had encountered the last nephilem. All other divine entity's had perished in the fight against hell before humanity was involved. This being was at deaths door when I met it. These beings power existed from the source of life within all, needless to say in its last effort to save existence it channeled all this energy into me.

By no means was it the power of creation but it gave me Herculean strength, endless vitality, and a lifespan untouched by time, but was not immortality.i could still die from injury but I could fight through impalement and heal from it as long as I wasn't injured further.  What I absolutely loved though was the praetor suit I gifted, it is the suit of the guardian. The suit is also unique because not only was it the strongest possible armor it, also evolves alongside, technology and energy. This alone is not what I'm capable of any more now I'm also the sole infinite argent energy generator who can freely use it, I also have access to magic and future technology. All of which are bound to me. If that's not enough I can create demons minions at will. I've also evolved beyond human. So in this world I will use this power with the best interest in mind.

The church informed me of two priests who will be on there way two kuoh for the investigation and asked if I could house them. So I'm heading to the park which was the meeting  place  for the priests. I hope they won't be problematic pedophiles, I'd have to kill them.

In the park I see to cloaked holy ladies begging for many giving prayers to those who give charity. I new they were the two after spotting the church's symbol on the cloaks. I then proceed to walk up and give two, one hundred dollar bills in the collection box.

(Yes I will be using American currency for that is what I'm familiar with.)

????? "Oh Thank you kindly May god bless your generosity"

I kindly smiled before giving the agreed upon secret code.

(Y/n) " the angels fly before the sun rise "

They perked up after my words thereafter a moment  reply much to my relief.

???? " the demons crawl before sun fall"

(Y/n) " follow me I'll show you around town"

They followed me through town where I gave them directions and showed them around until we arrived at my new house (I replaced my apartment with a private villa once my income started to flow from my minions underworld work)
I invited them inside.

???? "Hello nice to meet you I'm Irina and this here is xenovia nice to meet you"

(Y/n) " the name is (y/n) Shadow welcome to my kuoh estate. "

Xenovia " as in you got another?"

(Y/n) " yes I have one of the largest mansion in the underworld"

They visibly sneered at that.

Xenovia " while the church appreciate The assistance I fail to see where such a new faction which close ties to Devils can help us."

(Y/n) " oh so does the church have any knowledge behind this incident "

Xenovia " N-No we just arrived and all information we have can't determine the cause or motive behind whoever did it but I assume it's the Devils trying to eliminate Excalibur as a threat."

(Y/n) " funny cause through the research I had performed before you're arrival I had found this much. (Handing her a large pile of documents)  as you can see through security footage we acquired we have discovered the rouge priest Freid who is working rebel faction of fallen angels not only is the killer but also the one who took the swords. Now through a talk with Azazael I have discovered that the leader of this rebel group is non other than high ranking fallen angel kokabiel. Now for the reasoning behind this move is unclear but it can't be good for any faction."

Irina "that's a lot to digest"

Xenovia " but it checks out"

(Y/n) " exactly our job is to locate the rebels and retrieve the swords. We know they are currently not using their former hideout the abandoned church. So let me introduce you to my team that will help us. "

I proceed to introduce them the Angels who unnerved the girls unintentionally them sent them out for recon. Just as things finished up I received a knock on my door.

Rias " hey (y/n) you didn't come to school today so me and the girls decided to come here for The club instead. " 

She said this as they all walked in to see me Standing there with two girls from the church.

Rias " why are there exorcists here"

They proceed to take up arms

Irina " Devils "

They pull out what I noticed to be Excalibur pieces. For some reason this enrages kiba

(Y/n) " oh shit........ OH SHIT NOT IN MY HOUSE."

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