Getting answers at School

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(Y/n) pov

As I sit there in class next behind a clearly confused, nervous Isa I can't help but remember last night.
I'm left standing hugging a hysteric Isa to my chest, in the aftermath of what almost became a bloodbath.

(Y/n) "Isa I'm here it's going to be alright. I apologize for following you in secret but something about today just felt off."

Isa " how did you know, forget that how were you so fast in protecting me! "

(Y/n) "simple I'm very strong besides I had a head start when she told you to die"
I tell her the partial truth
"Now Isa do you know anything about what that Raynare is, or why you were targeted. hell id like to know what that Rias girl meant by Gremory territory"

Isa " I have no clue I thought I could just make my first true friend. The guys are weird so I don't associate with them, and girls see me as an outcast do to my personality. I've been alone most my life other than my family"

Isa states all this while shaking in fear a crying tears of sadness , as she clings to me for dear life.

(Y/n) " it's ok Isa I'm here now I'll be you're friend you needn't be alone as for what happened we will find out at school when we talk to that Rias girl. Come on let me bring you to your home. Your safe with me pal"

I say to her while tilting her head up
To meet my (e/c) eyes. She stares for a moment jaw dropped until she backs away beat red shaking and stuttering

Isa " w-w-we sh-should go"

Flash back ends.

As class ended Isa  I instantly turned her chair to  face my desk she met my eyes before looking at the doorway when a certain blonde haired girl walked in.

Kiba " can I have Ms Hyoudo, and Mr Shadow accompany me please"

I nodded at Isa, and stood up walking towards the door with Isa soon following  behind me. The walk to a separate school building seemingly forgotten by the school was short but silent. As I can see Isa determination wavering I grab hold of her hand bringing her beside me as we continued to walk, while Isa stared at the ground.
We then enter the building which is much nicer on the inside as we are finally led to a room. Kiba then stops before knocking.

Rias "come in"

We enter the room to see it is a nicely furnished room with a desk. two coaches, and a couple of filled bookshelves. Kiba walks I, And sits next the white haired girl as a black haired girl stood beside A seated Rias.

Rias "do take a set both of you"

We comply sitting across from the group with Isa on my side

Rias " as for introductions we no who you both are, and you may remember that i am Rias Gremory president of this here Occult Reasearch Club . As for who brought you here her name is Mari Kiba, and the girl beside her is Koneko
Toujou, finally the girl besides me is is my Vice President Akeno Himejima."

Rias then proceeds to explain the three factions which greatly intrigues me especially at the mention of Devils, however Isa seems lost in this conversation, begins to stare at the girls in front of her. Rias then talks about a great  War, sacred gears and devil peerages.

Rias "that girl Isa met was actually a fallen angel . as for why she was targeted we believe Isa to posses a sacred gear within her"

Isa " listen your all beautiful,  and I appreciate you trying to help explain everything but this paranormal junk is more confusing than anything. So I think it's time we left"

Isa begins to stand up and turns to leave .

Rias  " before you decide to leave why don't you listen to what I have to offer"

Isa turns to listen

Rias "good, you see with your sacred gear, and (y/n)'s speed and awareness I think the both of you would be the perfect  candidates for my peerage."

(Y/n) " you don't mean...."

Rias " you're right I'm surprised you caught on. We are Devils."

Wings sprout from the groups  backs much to Isa's surprise. The wings then retract. Rias begins to speak with confidence

Rias " so what'd I you say how about join"

At that moment I lunge forward grabbing her by the throat squeezing it in the process.

(Y/n) " as for me I'm from a different world... One where I kill demons"

I began to squeeze harder. I then notice kiba begin to slash at my arm I throw rias forward, and kick kiba in the ribs launching her into the wall. Koneko rushes to punch me in the gut I jump to the side and swing my fist to collide with hers midair. The connection launches her off her feet making  her hold her arm in pain. She was much tougher than I expected.  Akeno hovers off the ground and strikes me with electricity much to my surprise, I tank the shock head on then backhand Akeno onto the carpet like swatting a fly.

(Y/n) " it appears I have much more to learn about this world, but I refuse to work with demons the only reason you still live is because your much different then the hellspawn I used to battle. Come on Isa we must leave you're not safe hear"

Shocked she hesitantly followed me but regained composures after we left the school campus, and I checked her over for wounds.

Raynare's pov

After the two days off torture I received as punishment for failing my mission i am to meet with donaseeks to inform us Three Angels of our next mission from lord Azazael. Apparently Kalawarner, Mitlet , and I are to meet a stray priest, and a nun with a sacred gear. The two also have yet to meet after we acquire both personnel we will receive further instructions. Lately the missions have been strange me, and the girls agree however it must be orders from Azazael after all he's a sacred gear fanatic.

Doom Slayer Male Reader x High School DxD  Where stories live. Discover now