Immortal vs Slayer

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(Y/n) pov

I walk into the arena with all eyes on me as Riser stands across the battlefield from me. The determination in his eyes falters temporarily when his eyes met mine seeing the hellfire in my soul. You see he is on my bad side right now, however I respect his loyalty and conviction and believe he will be a valuable ally. But now I will break his conviction away until all that remains is he is true to his own heart.

I stand still staring at him whilst we listen to the rules and the rewards

Sirzechs " before we start would either of you like to add any bets.

(Y/n) " I would if I win the Phoenix household would owe me a favor they couldn't refuse in return if I lose my faction will owe the Phoenix household a favor with the same stipulation."

Before riser speaks up his father does

Mr Phoenix " as head of the Phoenix household I accept this on risers behalf."

Riser then goes silent and nods.

Sirzechs " then the battle may begin"

Riser readies a fire attack but to everyone's surprise Ive dashed across the battlefield so fast I land a right hook to his gut. After spitting up blood he gets back up with a smirk

Riser " your stronger than expected, just not strong enough."

He proceeded to vanish as I felt a leg come into contact with my spine. Launching me forward twenty feet before I land with a roll and immediately spring up from the ground, kicking riser in the nose as he charged me.

I proceeded to sweep his legs out from underneath him as he fell I caught him from the back of the head and landed a reverse DDT, spiking his skull into the ground. Not given anytime to follow it up riser rolls untop me throwing a few punches in which half I blocked, in order to distance my self I kicked him off I and jumped back to be hit with a fire ball. Seeing him now take things seriously the crowd chants his name.

I knowing my own rookie magic won't cut it I dashed forward summoning my pistol to shoot out his newly brought out wings. Taken aback that not only was I able to attack him while he's flying but also the fact my weapons shredded his wings he dived bombed me with a emergency inferno of Phoenix Fire. Leaving me engulfed and in searing pain.

Sirzechs pov

I sat watched as my sisters friend and last hope was eaten alive with Phoenix Fire.

Riser " as you can see the battle is already one none can withstand Phoenix Fire"

Knowing the battle was surely over I readied myself to call the winner when the unexpected happened.

Out of the fire walked a figure covered in a green suit holding a unknown form of shotgun. The figure then unleashed round after round into risers body dropping him to the ground. Roses then used Phoenix tears to recover but before he could do something else. The armored figure grabbed riser by him arms and shattered them grabbing the vial a Phoenix tear out of his hands. As riser landed on the ground writhing in pain the being held the gun to his face before anyone could interrupt the figure took its helmet off.

(Y/n) pov

(Y/n) " Riser its time to give up beside I know you don't love Rias instead you love your very own queen."

I proceeded to unsummon my gear and use Phoenix tears on riser.

Riser " I-I forfeit"

I then give him a hand to help him up, he accepts.

Sirzechs " by forfeit the winner is (y/n) Shadow"

We walked up to sirzechs podium.

(Y/n) " my request of the Phoenix household is that Riser is allowed to make his own decisions as the heir of the family."

This seemed to shock riser as he gave me a hug and thanked me repeatedly.

(Y/n) " no problem, I had hoped we could be friends"

He let go and laughed.
the girls then ran up to us but before they could speak I'm am tackled with a hug by a short blonde.

Ravel " thank you for saving my big brother I will forever be grateful"

The Phoenix parents came up and apologized to riser. Expressing how they were blind to how much they were controlling his decisions and that they love him and accept his true feelings that's when Yubelluna kissed him.

The parents then introduced themselves to me.

Mr Phoenix " for showing us how blind we've been and for saving our son hour family are eternally in your debt"

(Y/n) " in return we can draw up a official pact between your household and my faction."

????? " that would be splendid may we be as fortunate to do the same"

Rias " dad what are you doing here"

Zeoctus " surely I'm here to congratulate the winner"

(Y/n) " it would be my honor to form a alliance with the Gremory household"

After a long time talking between our three households sirzechs decided to speak up.

Sirzechs "I feel a reward is in order for such a spectacular battle. (Cough) as a member of the great Satans I would like to provide you with a title of nobility within the underworld as well as 70 miles of property. In order to get you started I'll have the finest architects construct you a castle worthy of your faction. The property is on the outskirts of the devil territory it will be known as the land of Shadows."

(Y/n) " that really is unnecessary I appreciate the settlement but it's a bit much don't you think."

Sirzechs " nonsense consider it a dowry for your engagement to my sister"

(Y/n)/rias " what engagement"

Sirzechs begins to give off a sly smile

Sirzechs " well the battle was for rias's hand in marriage"

(Y/n) " wh-what"

Zeoctus" haha and what I fine son in law you will be not only kind , strong
And has a friendship with my daughter already. Your also nobility within the underworld and are the leader of your own faction. Quite the catch huh rias"

Rias began to blush madly while mumbling.

Mr Phoenix " hoho we would certainly be luck if you were also take our ravel as one of your brides"

Ravel (blushing " d-dad I want to get him to like me first"
Realizing what she said she ran away screaming.

Isa" congrats sweetie I knew you'd do great your already bringing in girls for our harem"

She says while patting me on the back
Meanwhile chaos occurs all around me with the constant bombardment of speach from all people present.

What the fuck have you gotten me into Hayden.

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