Deal with the devils

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(Y/n) pov

As I sit here watching the anger, fearfulness, and curiosity in the Devils around me, I can't help but wonder why Ms Gremory was so huffy.

Rias " listen to me I don't care if you hate Devils or not you must listen to me. It's dangerous to interact with those from the church."

(Y/n) " so miss demon cares about our safety now but not when your little spy watched as Isa was nearly impaled."

Koneko "I only waited to avoid conflict, besides rias was gonna resurrect her."

(Y/n) " so you could appear as her savior huh"

Rias " I get where your coming from, but I just wanted to help I wanted to bring her into my family. I still do and frankly I'm interested in you to as well  a human beating 4 Devils in hand to hand combat is unheard of. ( almost silent) with both of your strength you might be able to save me"

This went unheard by everyone but me.

(Y/n)  " huh you know I haven't the slightest clue why you need saving, however it's not in my nature to turn away from someone needing help. Damnit ( I yell while slamming my fist on the table )  since your nothing close to a cyber demon I will tell everyone here my true past out of good will, besides you might be a good ally."

I proceeded to inform Rias and her peerage  as well as Isa of my origin as the Doom slayer and  how I arrived here.

Isa " that's crazy (y/n) are you ok"

(Y/n) "never better than when your with me Isa" ( I say while grasping her hand. my heart then flutters for the first time I wonder why. Isa blushes)

Rias " so what your saying is you were a demon hunter in a alternate universe. Hmm i think your suit may have went under a change it sounds similar to a sacred gear."

(Y/n) " I don't understand this worlds sacred gears, and magic. In return for knowledge on this how about we make a deal"

Rias " interesting do continue"

(Y/n) " we become ally's and exchange information and protection and to top it off if I our Isa were to die we will join your peerage"

Rias thinks it over and after  reasuuring nods  from her peerage she comes to an answer

Rias " deal now we must make a contract"

Isa doesn't even question my decision knowing I'm doing it with her best interest. We complete the contract ceremony. We then discuss the intricacy of sacred gears, magic, and factions further than before she then shares some of her history with  me, and Isa . She begins to show Isa how to summon her sacred gear successfully allowing her two bring out a red gauntlet.

(Y/n) " I think I'm gonna give it a shot two get my Armor"

Rias " knock yourself however I doubt it will work it is from a different reality, then again so are you"

I then push energy through my right hand  to everyone's surprise my fist is engulfed in light. What surprises me is that I have just summoned my right arms gauntlet up to my forearm with my pistol in hand.

(Y/n) " oh hell yes my baby is coming back."

I look at everyone's questioning stares and compose my self.

(Y/n) " may only be a single piece and weapon but this should show you I'm serious"

I then unsummon the items and proceed to leave the room with Isa frantic to unsummon as well while following me.

When I made it couldn't help but to recap my day then I proceeds to get a text from Asia. The message told me to meet up with her tomorrow.

Raynare pov

Mitlet and Kalawarner informed me about Isa and that (y/n) bringing Asia here. We regret we have to do to the three innocent humans but it's orders from Azazael and donaseeks would torture us for failure. Besides what with that sick priest, we really hate our current lives. Well we can't change anything might as well flirt with that cute (y/n) before I have to kill him.

He seemed so nice though.......

Doom Slayer Male Reader x High School DxD  Where stories live. Discover now