Chapter 1

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Jungkook rubbed his thumb against the rough material of his jacket ; it was made of chunky black leather which resulted in a nice texture to the touch, especially when you felt like dying of nervousness.

Luckily for him, he was just stressed. Really stressed.

Jungkook was dying of nervousness , in a second thought , but what else can he do about it? Take some anti anxiety pills, frantically talk to himself or - god forbid - ask for one of his friends to comfort him? No, all of these would doom him as a weak man, a weak alpha and for that he resorted to the old thumb-against-the-jacket thingy. Works every time.

You see, it was very early in the morning. The normal-people-walking-around kind of early.

And no, he wasn't stressed out because he was afraid of how other people would perceive him ; he was rather worried about the way his friends would react. Don't get the wrong impression, all of them dressed the same, it's just that... well, Jungkook woke up different today.

It all started with a weird fever dream. The memory of it is all cloudy but he can remember how depressing and disturbing it was. Something about him as a wolf running in fear. But, Jungkook being Jungkook, he figured that it was just a mere metaphor to the old omega-beta-alpha thing. Even though nobody is even remotely close to changing into their wolf-form, it is still widely associated with the ranks, and Jungkook brushed it off as a scene he must've seen in a random movie.

But the weirdest thing was when he woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt every muscle in his body relaxing slowly, which made him want to fall asleep again. But then a strong sweet scent came over him and Jungkook... whimpered.

Jeon Jungkook , the strongest alpha in busan , the legendary gang leader, whimpered. And it wasn't because of someone else. It was because of himself.

The sweet scent filling the room and settling into his senses belonged to nobody else other than himself. And the feeling that enveloped that scent was a particular one that made him feel small and fragile, very much like a...

Alpha. He is an alpha. He can't be anything else, can he?

Jungkook shifted his weight from one leg to the other and continued waiting until the others show up. Since he got woken up so early by that damned dream, he had no choice but turning in a bit sooner than expected.

He also sprayed on a toxic amount of cologne to mask the smell, but it seemed to have failed. He hoped for the best and went out regardless of it, as any other gang leader would do.

But... what would the others think? Would they smell my scent? Would they ask me about it? Would they assume something else? Jungkook's mind was grabbing at the ends of every thought and it was beginning to drive him mad.

He rubbed his thumb harder into the leather and checked what time was it. It was 6:50 AM , which meant he had 10 more minutes to wait for them and usually they were late as well.

I shouldn't have been here so early, he thought.


They showed up eventually , with Yoongi being the last to turn in. It wasn't a surprise ; he had a tendency to sleep for more than 10 hours unless woken up , and of course , being the heavy sleeper that he is it , his alarm never succeeds in doing so.

Nobody cared for it once he showed up because they were too busy planning their next shenanigan.

Jungkook shifted in his place , legs stepping backwards and forwards rhythmically. He was still quite stressed out.

" kook-ah? You all right? " Taehyung asked him.

The said-male froze at his words and then quickly nodded a response. He was so terribly aware of his scent that he tried to make up for it in acting timid , as if trying to hid himself.

" ...okay then. " Taehyung eyed him and then leaned in and invaded his personal space. Jungkook's eyes widened to the size of candy saucers and he anxiously stood there as Taehyung sniffed his neck , his sensitive neck , right where a mark should be.

But Jungkook was an alpha so he had nothing to worry about.

" hmm. " Taehyung pulled back and eyed him up and down. " you've been with an omega lately? "

Jungkook took a step back and shook his head no at an anxious matter. " of course not! Why would you think that? "

Taehyung smirked and leaned against the wall. " you smell like sex and slick , not to mention the fact that you act like you've got a pole shoved up your ass. "

Jungkook tried to laugh genuinely , but instead it came out as an anxious chuckle. They both exchanged glances and Taehyung turned around and conversed with the others about their plans for the day.

He seemed awfully invested in Jungkook's business, rightfully so if thinking about it ; they're the closest of friends after all. But having an alpha tell him he smells like slick in such a nonchalant way made him weak at the knees.

Maybe Jungkook was just having a weird day and tomorrow he'd wake up with a red gleam in his eyes. He hoped for it , that's for sure.

" alright! " he heard Jackson call out. " tae , take hobi and kook-ah with you while me and Yoongi distract the guards. Don't split up and don't call us until it's done. Got it? "

Taehyung nodded and went to his car , motioning Jungkook and hoseok to follow. It was awkward for the youngest of the trio and he wanted nothing more than to stay at home but that would mean to him that something is out of routine and if he'll admit that , he'll admit to his worse fears.

They all got in with Jungkook sitting in the back seat , almost immediately fanning his face after feeling the temperature of the vehicle.

" Hyung , turn on the AC. " he whined and both Taehyung and hoseok reached forward for the button. Taehyung growled possessively and slapped hoseok's hand away.

" what was that? " hoseok growled back loudly and Jungkook felt like shrinking at the sight of two alphas raise their voices.

" he asked for me to turn on the AC , headass. " Taehyung grabbed on the wheel tightly with one hand and stared into the latter's eyes , both of them flashing red.

" he asked for me , stupid! " hoseok clapped back and leaned in , ready to fight and bump heads with another alpha.

" stop it , please. You're being silly. " Jungkook whimpered and they both turned around to stare at him.

They both had flashing red eyes and the whole car smelled like alpha pheromones because of the little argument they had.

" you're being weird , Jungkook. Don't order your alphas around like that especially not in that tone! " Taehyung exclaimed angrily.

" but I'm an alpha too! " Jungkook replied and the car got quiet.

It was almost as if the tension became solid and floated around the trio. It was incredibly awkward for everyone now.

" It's still hot... " Jungkook broke the silence and Taehyung finally turned on the damn AC.

They started driving and Taehyung and hoseok began to converse in something irrelevant but Jungkook still felt uncomfortable. He was getting hot , especially around his face ; he felt like suffocating of flushness.

" are you sure the AC is on? " he asked politely.

" I'm positive , kook-ah. " Taehyung answered and glanced back at him. " you're okay back there? Your cheeks are all red. " he mumbled dumbly , honestly confused with how Jungkook is acting.

" I don't feel so well. "

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