Chapter 15

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Happy 2019 ((: also, Jungkook's gonna call Jin a sociopath, just a heads up! Of course he's not a sociopath, at least not in real life! It's all fictional!


" we can't just move in! "

Taehyung closed his eyes momentarily, a reaction to the loud sound of the bathroom door being pushed open by a very angry jungkook. " it's bullshit! "

" baby, you said yourself this is a- "

" I don't give a fuck what I said! " the younger cut him off and sat down on the bed aggressively, drying his semi-wet hair with a towel.

They received a call from yoongi in which they were ordered to move together with everyone else to the omega gang mansion. " sorry, bye. " was what yoongi dared to say before hanging up.

Jungkook almost cut a bitch.

He was still unpacking his stuff since he moved in  with taehyung permanently and he was in no mood to go through the emotional drain that is moving yet again. Besides, was he really going to stay in the same house as 8 other psychopaths, including his mate? Nah. This ain't it.

" Listen. I'm not gonna give up on our privacy so easily, " jungkook threw the towel aside and scooted over closer to taehyung, " especially not now that we're together and nobody knows, I'm an, you know, an omega... and what about our intimacy and stuff? they're all crazy and nosy. Especially that sociopath, Jin. God. " he rambled.

Taehyung was smiling at him fondly, " baby. Stop stressing about it. Imma take care of everything. "

" really? " jungkook asked, voice dripping with suspicion as he eyed his boyfriend carefully, " You better talk them out of it! "

He chuckled, " of course I will. "


He didn't.

He didn't and they ended up sitting in the living room with everyone else, watching namjoon intensely as he arranged rooms. Jungkook was still glancing at taehyung with a judgmental look and his leg was bouncing, a habit of mild anxiety relief.

" okay, so our members stay in the same rooms as before, we have another spare bedroom downstairs so we can fit someone there. Of course, me and jin still share our room, alone, " he stopped to chuckled and then continued, " I'm gonna read it out to you and if anyone has any problem with it, talk to me. Got it? "

Sounds of agreement sounded through the room.

" fine. So Jackson and jungkook are staying downstairs. Hoseok stays with mark, yoongi with kai and taehyung with Jimin. Alrighty? " he lifted his eyes up from the piece of paper he was just looking at and scanned the room for any sour faces. The only thing he noticed was Jackson's angry gaze, but he expected it. Don't want him near mark.

Jimin was still sick and sniffling every now and then, and so was kai, mark seemed fine just like hoseok, but yoongi was being weird. He sighed and leaned back into the couch in frustration. Namjoon figured he was just annoyed.

Jungkook was also acting strangely, in a second thought, and namjoon couldn't help but notice how his scared, big doe eyes glanced shyly at taehyung, who held a completely blank face. Maybe it's nothing. And maybe it's not.

" I'm gonna make dinner. " seokjin announced with a smile on his face. Cooking was his favorite activity, right after torture. His sadistic nature was very dominant, contradicting his omega qualities and he taught Jimin everything he knew when it came to that.

Everyone else was walking up the stairs, besides jungkook and Jackson who reluctantly walked down the hallway across the kitchen and opened the door to their shared room. Jungkook rolled his eyes when he noticed the laundry room, which had a treadmill in it right beside them, knowing it's going to wake him up everyday.

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