Chapter 23

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" I'm gonna miss you 'round here. Have fun kooks. " Jimin sighed into their embrace.

The sun was shining brightly, it was 8:23 AM and cold, to the point in which they were both shaking as they broke their hug- winds too strong against their bodies.

Jungkook has decided to go back home for a little bit, taking a break from his gang's activities and everyone he stuck to like glue during the past few weeks, packing up his necessities and calling Junghyun.

He needed some time to himself, and with his family and catch up on things. It's been too long, he thought as he waved goodbye to Jimin and sat on the sidewalk, feet planted on the road, sighing.

Leaning on his heavy bag, he could see Junghyun's black car with glimmering red framing driving towards him slowly.

" coming, coming. " he said to himself then got up with a swing, halting his bag atop his back then getting in the front seat.

" lookin' good, dongsaeng. " Junghyun smirked. " wanna get some fried chicken? "

His little brother smiled, " always. "


Getting home was in the least, emotional. No other words fit enough to describe the way jungkook felt seeing his mother for the first time since forever. Seeing his sister was alright too.

" mama. " he let out, biting on his lips to keep from crying and hugged her while she herself cried.

She looked different than last time- shorter hair, maroon lipstick- she usually wears soft pink. Maybe she just felt rebellious today jungkook smiled internally at his moms antics.

" missed my baby so so much. " she whispered, kissing his cheeks and cooing at how fatter they've gotten. " stop that. " he whined.

" come on now, I've cleaned your room, " she paused, thinking if she should add since you never do it or no, then going for the latter of which- saying nothing.

Jungkook nodded and they both went up the stairs, his feet going about their pace automatically, after having spent so much time getting used to another house it felt comforting to be back at his own home.

" want me to make you some tea or something? " his mother asked, her hands in pockets and lips pursed. They now stood in his room, which was left just the same as it was before the whole moving situation began.

He could feel her worry and the countless things she wanted to ask him, so he sighed and said, " I'm fine. Really. "

She just stayed quiet for some time before speaking. " okay. I'll make you some tea then- quality shit this time. And not weed, too. I promise! " she blurted out in a chuckle.

" god, don't remind me. " jungkook laughed, " I was tripping out for like, 7 hours. "

They shared some contagious laughter with each other and then a comfortable silence. She smiled, " at least change into something comfier while I'm brewing it, and preferably not leather. " and with that she was already heading down the stairs.

Jungkook sighed heavily, falling back into his bed and breathing in the scent of his fresh sheets.

He needed to be home, needed a different environment for the time being, needed a change.

Sighing softly, he sat up in his bed and leaned over to open the drawer in his bedside table, only to gasp loudly.

" Fuckin' hell. " he mumbled, eyes blown wide open as he stared down into what could only be described as every newfound omega's wet dream.

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