Chapter 7

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" faster, kook! Wooo! " Jackson screamed from the backseat and stuck his head outside of the open window he sat next to.

" shit, Jackson, " jungkook switched between watching his friend and watching the road. " stop being stupid. You're distracting me. "

" hmm, yeah, distracting kookie... " taehyung mumbled sleepily from the shotgun seat.

Yoongi chuckled drunkenly and ruffled hoseok's hair, who was gazing out of the window on his side. " yah! What are you looking at dumbshit? "

" everything... yeah.... " he mumbled and then turned to look at yoongi. " what are you looking at? "

Yoongi looked straight ahead and then screamed in agony. " noooo! War flashbacks! "

Jungkook rolled his eyes. " shut up, for fuck's sake! "

The car got silent and then Jackson started crying. " fuck off, kook. " He was emotional when he was drunk.

Eventually, they got to hoseok's house and dropped him off, where Jackson joined him because he ' couldn't stand being drove by a snake '. Yoongi stretched out in the back seat and yawned, " finally alone. Sweet, sweet solitude. "

Taehyung still had the chair leaning back down all the way, eyes closed and a smirk on his lips as he mumbled random things.

It stayed that way until they dropped yoongi off. Then, it was just jungkook and taehyung, sitting fairly close to each other. " home? " jungkook asked. " home. " taehyung answered.


Taehyung was already sleeping, his back pressed to jungkook who was going in and out of sleep, dreams cutting off suddenly as he gently opened his eyes to stare at the dark nothingness of the room.

He had that dream again, the dream about the wolf, the one where he feels like he's being chased. It's a terrible feeling.

He pressed harder against taehyung, knowing he couldn't just hug him as it would appear strange but still needing his comfort and love. After all, he was currently the one who jungkook spends most of his time with and his favorite person, his mother coming close in second place but that's only because he couldn't compare their love - what he had for taehyung was incredibly different from what he had for his mother. Love comes in many different ways.

He felt taehyung stir and inhale sharply, causing him to still. Then he felt him turn around and move up, just a little bit so he was towering above jungkook, his face inches away from the latter's raven locks. Jungkook smiled and felt his heart melt just a little bit. He loved having his hyung close to him.

He pushed backwards until he felt taehyung's firm chest against his back, and then he fell asleep.

This time, he wouldn't have any nightmares.


The morning after was quite eventful.

After they all recovered from last night's shenanigans they drove jungkook to the other side of town, where the omega gang was operating. The plan was that he would get introduced by baekhyun, sniff around their belongings and bring back any information found.

For jungkook it was a nightmare, really.

All he had received was a " have a good day, brat! " and a strict warning against anything sketchy. He took comfort in the fact that hoseok nodded along, hoping that maybe he did think he was taking drugs still. It was better for him right now; too afraid to say what it really was.

He sulked all the way to the coffee shop he and baekhyun were supposed to meet at, and when he got there he wasn't surprised to see the said-male already standing there, leaning on one of the windows as he scrolled through his phone.

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