Chapter 5

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" how come you're so good at it? "

" dunno. "  Jungkook shrugged and pocketed his gun. " guess it's a natural talent. "

Taehyung chuckled, " really now? Last time I checked you were just a fetus. "

The latter rolled his eyes and bumped into his shoulder. " damn, kookie, " taehyung responded  playfully and stepped back. " those drugs really boosted your strengths. "

" I'm not doing drugs. That's a fact. " jungkook strolled past him towards the exit.

" really? So why were you injecting some shit? Wanna tell me you're diabetic now? " taehyung followed behind.

" that's not how it works, tae... " jungkook mumbles and opened the door to the exit. The latter scoffed and they both went through the door. " well okay then, there's only one other options. You're an o- "

" kook-ah. Taehyung. what are you two doing in my shop before opening hours? " Junghyun said, standing in front of them and leaning against the counter. " cracked the code, ah seagull? "

" yeah.. but..." jungkook responded nervously. " this is all a big mis- "

" save the chitchat, brat. " he said and turned to look at taehyung. " tell me, what's all this talk about drugs? "

The said-male smirked and glanced at jungkook. " your homeboy is deep in it... dunno which kind but it ain't good. "

Junghyun took out a cigarette and a lighter, " and what are you doing 'bout it? "

" he's been living with me for some time now. Another week and he's free to go. A bit of a pain in the ass, but that's only because of the withdrawal symptoms, huh kook? " Taehyung responded.

Jungkook decided to shut up before things get ugly. His brother was strict in a way his parents never were. " that's dandy. Once you come back home you'll be welcomed by a drug-free room. And don't worry, your heroin won't go to waste. "

Jungkook winced at his brother's words, almost bursting with the need to tell him how wrong he is but he can't. Can't let anybody else know.

" sounds good, Junghyun. We were just on our way out. " taehyung smiled at him. " have a safe trip. " junghyun replied dryly and locked the door as soon as they were out.

" what was that all about? " jungkook mumbled and dug his hands into his pockets angrily.

" nothing special. He worries 'bout you. " taehyung patted his back and took out his car keys as they were approaching the parking lot.

Jungkook scoffed. " it's stupid. I don't even do drugs. " he kicked some small rocks. " not to mention how you gladly told him everything when I was standing right there. "

" he's your brother, he deserves to know. " taehyung opened the car. " let me take you out somewhere nice, kook. Maybe you'll feel better. "


" This is stupid. 100 bucks for a burger? " guess you could say that they ended up in a humble restaurant.

Taehyung nodded. " yup. Rich people's food is crazy. Wanna go to in-n-out instead? "

" hell nah, you're paying. " jungkook turned a page on the menu. " think imma order a lobster. "

He got a chuckle in response. " headass. "

" why are we even here anyway? Thought you hated fancy places like this. " jungkook huffed out as some French waiter filled his glass with water.

" felt like it. Also, drug addicts gotta eat. " he responded and nodded thankfully when the waiter did the same to him.

" ha ha. Very funny. "

Taehyung kicked jungkook under the table. " brat. "

" Bitch. " jungkook said sassily and kicked harder.

" asshole. " taehyung returned the favor. " fuckface. " the latter stepped on the said-male's shoes, hard. " hell nah not my sh- "

" excuse me? " an old lady who sat near interrupted them. " I would appreciate it if you could lessen the use of profanities. "

The duo shared a look. " sure. " they answered in unison and sat back, slowly.

" anyway, you just seem really weird lately. You're usually weird but now you're unusually weird. "

Jungkook sniffled a laugh, " now you're being weird. "

" all I'm saying is, you're very confusing. I don't like that. "

Jungkook forced a smile and stared at his menu. They were both like brothers in a way, doing almost everything together and protecting each other. Jungkook has always adored his hyung but almost having his heat a week ago made him look at the situation differently; and differently meant a lot. Now his hyung's alpha qualities shone through beautifully and jungkook felt lightheaded only thinking about him, just like any omega would.

Omega. That's hard to come to terms with. Jungkook was already questioning his sexuality when those dreadful waves of heat hit him, and it made the whole story wind up in knots. He was just confused and fatigued, and if he won't get through the week without having his heat, he will be in huge trouble.

" kook. " a waving hand was pushed into his face. " you alright? "

Jungkook straightened up in his chair and cleared his throat. " yeah. Just zoned out for a minute. "

" hmm? " Taehyung smiled at him. " okay then. Wanna order? "

" yup. "


" that is absolutely ridiculous! " jungkook giggled drunkenly.

" yeah, yeah, " taehyung leaned over his glass of red wine, " but it happened! And that's a fact. "

The latter raised an eyebrow at him and leaned back, crossing his hands. " you sayin' that yoongi, min yoongi, has accidentally walked into a live birth with a loaded gun ready to go? "

" yup. And he cried straight after! " taehyung burst into a laughing fit and jungkook couldn't help but joining him, mumbling " god... " when it died down.

" you're a piece of ass for giving him the wrong address. " jungkook stated. Taehyung tilted his wine glass to the said-male's direction, " thanks, kookie-koo. "

Jungkook suddenly felt his cheeks heating up, and not because of the alcohol. He wondered if taehyung was that drunk to have called him by a completely new and strange pet name. He stared at the man sitting in front of him in awe, regardless of all these feelings he felt, deciding to drown in the moment and the moment's beautiful aspects.

He noticed taehyung staring back as well, a small smirk rested on his lips. " like that? Kookie-koo? "

Jungkook's heart fluttered aggressively at the latter's suggesting tone and he fought against the submissive voice inside of him telling him to scream yes. Instead, he kept his silence.

" aw, baby, you're blushing! " taehyung rested his face in his hands. " why's that? Cause of me? "

Dear god, Jesus, jungkook thought, just how drunk is he? He would never call another man baby, wouldn't he?

" y-you're a little drunk, little too drunk, ya know. " jungkook slurred in worry, his own self having drunk at least 2 full glasses. " yeah... had some scotch too. When you had to pee. " the latter was still staring fondly at jungkook, changing between a smirk and a smile, seemingly utterly wasted.

" check, please. " taehyung told a waiter who was passing by and pulled out his wallet. " no, no, I'll pay! " Jungkook was having some seconds thoughts, feeling guilty about letting taehyung pay for their lavish dinner.

He pulled out his own wallet and looked up to see the waiter already accepting taehyung's small stack of cash. " come on, kook. We can walk to my house. "


Thanks for all the new votes ♡
I see y'all silent readers 👀

Btw - all of the characters in this book use casual language skills, meaning they have poor grammar. In conclusion - they ghetto as fuck 🤪

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