Chapter 8

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" come on jungkookie, up-up! " seokjin clapped as an indicator for jungkook to invest more energy into his exercise.

Jungkook heaved his legs up and down, face flushed as he skipped rope for the first time since he was 8 years old. Apparently, the omega gang was into fitness and healthy eating so they started each morning at 5 o'clock with açaí bowls and some exercises that jungkook thought were useless. But he had an agenda, and for that he must keep his mouth shut.

" I'm tired h-hyung! " he said out of breath. Seokjin only chuckled in response. " come on! This is nothing! "

The latter huffed and tried to concentrate on not collapsing right then and there, but forgot to move his right leg in time and for that he stumbled and fell, face planted into the grass.

" ouch... " he heard kai hiss from behind him and then he offered his hand. Jungkook gladly took it and dusted himself off once he was stable and on his feet again.

Jimin and mark were busy doing their separate routines while kai looked for an excuse to get out of his own doings so he volunteered to accompany jungkook in his share of torture.

Namjoon was busy 'doing taxes' but Jungkook was sure he was laundering money.

" come on ladies. I think you had enough. " seokjin rolled his eyes and stared at an incredibly sweaty jungkook. Kai chuckled and bumped jungkook's shoulder, which earned him an annoyed glare.

All five members walked into the house and sat at the table. Seokjin leaned back, " listen up. Especially you, jungkook. "

He went on to explain their next mission. It involved robbing and threatening a stripper who owed them money. Jungkook nodded along with the details, keeping himself in character and trying not to laugh at times. His gang never allowed loans. People who ask for loans from known criminals are in deep shit and most likely won't pay back.

" Jin, I have a question. " Jimin called from the end of the table. Seokjin nodded at him, " what is it? "

Jimin looked uncomfortable. " are we gonna... you know... "

" kill her and everybody who tries to intervene, if needed? " seokjin interrupted.

" yeah. " Jimin squeaked in response.

The latter stared off into a blank space and pretended to think about it. By then, all 4 members paid attention. Seokjin started laughing.

" come on now, jiminie! Since when are you so compassionate? It's a goddamn drugged stripper we're talking about. Gonna die soon anyway. "

Jungkook glanced at Jimin. The poor boy seemed terrified. " seokjin... "  The said-male looked at jungkook. " yeah? "

" Jimin was just asking a question. We don't mind killing but we need to know if we're going to. "

The others nodded in agreement. Seokjin shrugged, " okay then. But I'm gonna make it clear to all of you - I call the shots. Period. "

He got up and hurried up the stairs, probably to find namjoon.

" that was really awesome, jungkookie. Can I call you jungkookie? " Jimin smiled brightly at him. " sure. "


" you know what, yoongi? Fuck you. Fuck you! " taehyung yelled at his phone and hung up immediately after saying the last of his sentence, hands slamming on the wheel.

He was furious.

He had no apparent logical reason to be that way. He's been on edge since he woke up and even alcohol couldn't fix that. Yoongi wasn't helping either, taking a certain bunny away from him.

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