14: Meeting The Boyz.

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(Amaya's POV)

It was 4:55 and I was about to start getting ready for dinner tonight when my manager called me

(A for Amaya M for Mark)

A: hey what's up?

M: are you busy tonight at like 6

A: uh yeah kinda

M: oh well I booked you studio time at 6


M: I know it was last minute but we have to get working on a new album!

A: MARK! I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED TOURING A MONTH AGO!! And my album came out in August and it's December!

M: I know but we gotta

Get going and today you only need to record one song that's it!

A: okay I'll be there.

*end of phone convo*

I just hung up. Like yeah I wanna work on a new album buts it's not going to come out for almost a year I have plenty of time! I'm just gonna get ready for dinner go to the studio finish the song as fast as possible! And rush to dinner hopefully I'm not to late.

I had to text Mikey so I typed:

Hey babe, I'm gonna be a little late for dinner because I have a studio session. Should only be like an hour so please try and keep the boys waiting. It's also not my fault because Mark just called me about it. I'm really sorry but I promise I WILL be there!

I hit send hope fully he wasn't to pist at me. I ran over to my closet and looked for a dress to wear.

I picked out a pink floral dress and nude heels. I rushed into my bathroom and changed then I plugged in my curling iron and did my half up half down ponytail. I curled all my hair. And put on my usual very natural make up. I looked at my phone 5:57. Better get going.

I grabbed my purse and put my phone inside. And headed over to the studio.

(Mikey's POV)

I walked into Felecia's and up to the hostesses counter.

"Hi how can I help you?"

She said

"Hi I have a reservation under Mikey."

I said

"Okay sir right this way."

She lead me to a table in the back and I sat down.

Just waiting for everyone to show up. I don't know how I'm going to keep all the boyz occupied for AT LEAST an hour. Hopefully they won't notice the time passing. 5 minutes passed and then all the boyz showed up.

So I got up and bro hugged all of them.

"So where is this chick?"

Nick said pulling out a chair

"Yeah man cuz I gotta eat!"

Louis said rubbing his stomach

"Uh she's coming."

I said looking at my phone for the time.

Only 6:15 this is gonna be a looooonngg hour.

(Amaya's POV)

•45 minutes later•

"Okay that's it your all done."

The producer said

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