23: Should I lie?

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•The Next Day•

(Nick's POV)

So Amaya did end up crawling back to Mikey. So typical girl! I honestly did still like her a lot! But it doesn't even matter anymore! I just hope she doesn't tell Mikey about what happened. It's not that I'm like scared if him or anything. I just don't wanna fight or argue with on of my best friends.

That would suck really bad.

(Mikey's POV)

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Amaya wasn't there anymore. Did she leave? I checked the time it was 9:00am. Amaya's NEVER up this early. This is strange. I grabbed my phone off the charger and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head!"
Amaya said looking at me.

Her Madison and Jason were already awake.

"Uh- hey why are you guys up so ya know early?"
I asked confused

"We'll they were already up and I wanted to get up and do something for you."
Amaya explained

"What did you do?"
I asked hugging her.

She got out of my grip and handed me a giant plate of Eggs with Chicken and Waffles. That was my favorite breakfast EVER!

"You made this?!"
I asked shocked

She just nodded.

"By yourself?"
I asked becoming scared

"What's that supposed to mean?!"
She asked slightly pushing me.

"You and I both know your not the best cook!"
I said tasting the food.

"I know but I feel like I did a really good job on this babe!"
She said handing me a fork.

"We'll thank you baby. Even if it's not good, I appreciate it!"
I said putting eggs on my fork.

Madison and Jason just laughed at that entire conversation.

I took a bite of the eggs. And they weren't horrible they just weren't good.

"How is it?"
Amaya asked

"Amazing, this is really good!"
I said lying.

She screamed in Madison and Jason's face.

•4 hours later•

(Mikey's POV)

Madison, Jason, Amaya and me all decided to go bowling. We walked a few blocks to the bowling alley. And then up to the counter.

"Hi, how can I help you kids?"
The woman asked

"Um can we get a lane?"
Madison asked

"yep you'll be in lane #4 and what shoe sizes can I get you?"
She said walking towards the shoes.

Madison said

"11 for me."
Jason said

I added

Then we all looked at Amaya and she was laughing for some weird reason.

"What's so funny?"
Jason asked

"The fact that my shoe size is like half of your guys is really funny to me."
She said in between laughs

"What size do you need honey?"

The worker asked

"A 6"
She said

(Amaya's POV)

"Y'all suck I swear!"
Madison said as we left the bowling alley

"I almost beat you bruh!
Mikey said pushing him

I just laughed at them. Today was really fun I don't usually get to hang out with all the boys.

My phone started ringing and looked at the Caller ID:


"Ya gonna answer?"

Jason said pointing to my phone

(A for Amaya N for Nick)

A: hey- uh Nick

N: hi

A: what's up?

N: I just wanted to apologize for the other day I shouldn't have said or did any of those things.

A: oh, it's fine really no big deal. I was more upset because I didn't want things to be awkward.

N: yeah me either

A:we'll thanks for the apology! I have to go I'll probably like text you later

N: okay bye

A: bye

*end of phone convo*

I don't really know what I'm going to do. I feel like I should tell Mikey but I don't wanna start drama. But I feel like maybe he has the right to know. And If I don't tell him and he finds out from someone else, he'll be pist a me. What the hell am I going to do?!


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