30: To The Moon And Back

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(Amaya's POV)

"Wow the backyard looks amazing. And the hot air ballon is cute!"
Lauren said staring out the back door.

I said pushing her my aunt and uncle towards the door.

"Okay, byee!"
Lauren said

"Have fun!"
My aunt said

I closed the door and slid down it. This is why I don't plan shit. Because I get anxiety! I can't take the stress. Is this how guys feel all the time? I wonder. . .

AMAYA! Snap out of it. You gotta go get ready! I told myself.

I ran up the stairs into my room. And then into my bathroom. And took a shower.

After that I dried my hair. And put my make up on. I walked over to my closet. And grabbed my outfit. A daisy dress with nude heels. I quickly put it on and started doing my hair.

I swear to got I'm gonna give myself a heart attack.

(Mikey's POV)

It was 6:30 so I started walking to Amaya's house. I really don't get why I have to walk. But she Insisted. I wonder what she has planned? I don't like this feeling of not knowing. Not knowing what's going to happen. It's so girly. I might as well put on a dress and heels.

"Hello sir. Are you Mikey?"
A Starbucks worker asked me.

"Uh yeah."
I said confused.

"This is for you."

She said handing me a piece of paper and a coffee.
I grabbed it still confused and opened up the paper. It had pink typing on it. Wonder who this is from?

'Yay! You got the first gift! I know you don't like coffee but you do like cotton candy! So drink it okay? I know you'll like it! Now continue on your walk. I can't wait to see you!'

The note read. I smiled at it and put it in my pocket then continued walking. I started at the coffee for a while. It was pink! I can't drink this! I grabbed the straw and tasted it. Wasn't too bad. So I drank it.

I said noticing that he was randomly standing there.

"Hey man. This is for you."
He said handing me another piece of paper and a guitar pick.

The pick had a picture of me and Amaya from backstage at the concert. When we first me.

I opened the paper.

'Ya like ya like?? I'm a good gifter huh? But your not done yet. Still two more! So hurry up! I wanna see you!'

I laughed and shook my head. I kept walking and there was no more people on the rest of the walk. But there was a piece of paper taped to Amaya's front door and then a box under it.

I grabbed the box and opened it. It was a huge and I mean HUGE jar of Nutella. It's like she bought me god.

I grabbed the paper off the door.

'You better share some of that. It's god! Don't knock on the door. Or ring the door bell. Go in the back yard!'

I took all my stuff and walked into the back yard. I looked around it was like amazing. There were a bunch of lights all over. And a hot air balloon. Right there in Amaya's backyard.

The guy inside the basket of the balloon said

He handed me more paper. And an iPod.
No way did she buy me an iPod. I opened the note.

'Yay you're here! I hope you enjoyed all the gifts! and yes the iPod is yours. It only has one song on it though. But it's a very special song. That hasn't even been released yet! Listen to it! I wrote it about you babe.'

I was shocked. This is way to much. I put all my stuff on the ground except the iPod. I took the headphones and put them in my ears and hit play.

(Amaya's POV)

I watched Mikey out of the back door. He took the headphones out of his ears. So I opened the door and sprinted towards him.


1. I have 4 inch heels on

2. I'm clumsy.

So I fell on my freakin face!

"Are you okay?"
Mikey said choking his laughs back.

I just laughed at myself.
I said

He helped me up then hugged me. I let go and kissed him.

"Thank you for everything! And the song was amazing!"
He said

I just grinned from ear to ear. I did a good job!

I said pulling him over the hot air balloon.

We both got in and then we started flying away. I grabbed the picnic basket that I had brought and got the sandwiches I had made.

"One Nutella sandwich!"
I said handing Mikey one.

"Oh how fancy!"
He said jokingly

He grabbed the sandwich.

"You know I can't cook!"
I said

"It's alright."
He said pulling me close to him.

We finished our 'dinner' and the balloon landed on the beach.

"Thank you so much!"
I told the balloon guy.

We both got out and took off our shoes. And just walked along the beach.

"This is pretty good for your first date."
Mikey said grabbing my hand

"We'll thank you!"
I said kissing his cheek.

I looked up at the sky. It was the most beautiful night I'd ever seen! The stars shinned brighter the ever. And it was a full moon.

"The stars are so beautiful don't ya think?"
I asked Mikey

We stopped walking. And he looked at me.

"There alright. But there nothing compared to you."
He said staring straight into my eyes.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Your so cheesy babe!"
I said pushing him a little.

"It's true though. Your so perfect."
He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Stop! That's all you!"
I said smiling.

"No. It's you!"
He said kissing me.

I pulled away and we continued walking.

(Mikey's POV)

When we stopped walking we laid down in the sand. And stared at the stars.

"Mikey. . ."
Amaya said looking at me.

"Yeah baby?"
I said looking back at her

"Can you make me a promise?"
She said biting her lip.

"What is it?"
I asked confused

"Promise you'll never leave me."
She said.

I smiled.

"I promise that not only will I never leave you. But I promise that I'll always be in love with you. And I promise that I'll never forget you."
I said

"I love you so much."
She said sitting up and moving closer to me.

I sat up and got close to her to. I kissed her and after a while she pulled away.

"Oh yeah we'll I love you. . ."
I began to say.

"To The Moon And Back"

We both said in unison.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The End •••••••••••


To The Moon And Back •• Dangerously In Love (Mikey Fusco)Where stories live. Discover now