22: Perfection became A Person.

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(Amaya's POV)

"I didn't mean a word I said that day."
Mikey said grabbing my arm and turning me around

I just looked at the ground. I didn't have anything to say to him.

"I did this for you. Because I NEED you in my life. You make me so happy, even when I think about you I smile. There's no word to describe how much I love you."

"Mikey- I don't know what to say."
I said

Because I literally have no idea.

"Say yes."
He said lifting my head up so our eyes met.

I just started at him.

"I'm so sorry."
He said

I broke our eye contact.

"It's not that simple for me to just say yes. Because I feel like I'm the one who should be apologizing, I'm the one who should start changing. You really did nothing wrong because I made you act that way."
I said

"What are you talking about you didn't make me do anything. I said dumb shit, so we broke up."
He said confused

"No! Most of the stuff you said was right. Like I can't name one real thing I've done for you. Even when we break up because of me, you still end up apologizing and doing stuff for me! Nothing you said last week was wrong! You honestly deserve better. A better girlfriend."
I said running out of the tent.

I took off my heels and ran down the beach. Until I got tiered. Then I found a rock to sit on. No matter how bad I wanted to just simply say yes to Mikey I want him to be with someone he deserves and that's not me.

(Mikey's POV)

I stood there in shock. Why would she say that about herself? It's not true.

"Mikey what happened?"
Ariana said running in the tent.

"She said that I deserved better then her."
I replied.

It got silent.

"Where did she go?"
I asked Ariana

"She ran down the beach, she didn't even notice that we were here."
She said

"Good, she doesn't want me to do stuff for her."
I said scratching my neck

"Why the hell not?!"
She questioned

"I'm not sure."
I said shrugging

"We'll then go ask her! You two are right for each other. You need to be with her!"
She said pushing me out of the tent.

I ran down the beach and I didn't see Amaya anywhere.

Then I heard crying and sniffling. I stopped running and looked around. And she was on a rock. Miserable this isn't how I planned things to go.

(Amaya's POV)

"Can we talk?"
Mikey said sitting next to me.

"There's nothing to talk about Mikey! I said no. I told you I'm not wasting your time anymore!"

"No there is something to talk about. You didn't waste any of my time. And you weren't a bad girlfriend! Even when you cheated you were still amazing."
He said grabbing my hand

"Stop lying."
I responded

"Okay we'll the cheating part was a lie. I don't get why you feel this way? Because your perfect. You know that right."

"No one on this planet is perfect."
I said sucking up my tears

"We'll not everyone on this planet has gotten the chance to be your boyfriend. If they did they'd know on May 17th 2001 perfection wasn't just a thing. It became a person."
I slightly smiled. And blushed.

"Was that a smile?"
Mikey said looking at me.

"You really wanna get back together?"
I said looking back at him.

"I told you I don't want to."
He said

I said but was cut off

"I need to. Or I will die!"
He said smiling.

I laughed and smiled back.

"So then ya know what

Today is right?"

He said pulling my waist close to him

"It's are two month anniversary!"
I yelled.

Then Mikey started leaning in. So did I. Yay haven't kissed the kid in a week. I needed this.

"I love you Mikey."
I said staring into his brown eyes.

"I love you to the moon and back."
I smiled at him. Then pushed him off the rock.

And ran to the water.

He asked laughing.

I nodded my head and he took off his shoes and socks. Then ran after me. He picked me up and dropped me in the water.

I was soaking wet.

"C'mon let's go by everyone else."
He said pulling me out of the water by my hand.

I asked stepping in the sand

"You'll see."
He said

I said

Mikey asked turning around.

"Come here it's a secret!"
I said motioning him towards me.

He came closer. And leaned down so his ear was by my mouth.

"I wanna give you. . ."
I whispered

Then I jumped on him.

"A HUG!"
I screamed

"Awww really! Just had to get me wet?!"

He said wrapping his arms around my thighs.

"Yeah I kinda did."
I said laughing.

"Ugh let's go."

He said walking 'us' over to 'everyone'


A bunch of people cheered. I was facing the beach so I couldn't see them.

I jumped off Mikey and turned around.

I yelled running over to my friends.

I gave them all a huge group hug.

I was most socked to see my friends from Chicago. Who I haven't seen in almost a year! This was the official best day of my life. . . So far.


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