29: Clearing Things Up.

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•the next day•

(Mikey's POV)

"Were gonna go get some lunch if you wanna come."
Jason said walking out of his room

"No I'm uh actually gonna go over to the boys house and clear some things up."
I said getting off the couch

"Mikey. . . Your not gonna get into another fight are you?"
Madison asked while gabbing his keys.

"No, I just really need to talk to Louis and Nick. I don't wanna feel awkward around them anymore. Or be like angry anymore."
I said

"Wow, wouldn't expect that from you but It's good man."
Jason said patting my back

"Yeah, good luck, I hope everything goes well."
Madison said while him and Jason left.

I sighed then put shoes on and started walking towards the boys house. This is gonna be the most awkward situation I've ever been in. EVER! I just hope Vinny or Julian answers the door.

I was almost to there house and my phone started buzzing in my pocket. Amaya was calling me.

(M for Mikey A for Amaya)

M: heyy

A: hey babe.

M: how are you?

A: I'm great thanks and how are you!?

M: great now that I'm talking to you!

A: ah Mikey so cheesy! But I love it!

M:haha yeah.

A: so I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight?

M: are you asking me- on a- date???

A: yeah, sorry if it's like weird I've never asked anyone on a date before.

M: yeah I can tell.

A: shut up! But do you want to?

M: yeah of course!

A: yay. come over at like 7. And you have to walk!

M: uh- why?

A: just do it okay!

M: alright alright! I gotta go.

A: awe why?

M: because I'm at the boys house and I have to talk to Louis- and Nick.

A: oh you go then. Talk it out babe.

M: alright thanks. I love you!

A: I love you too!

M: nope you gotta say it!

A: say what?

M: you know what I'm talking about. . . Let's try this again. . . I love you!

A: to the moon and back!

M: that's better.

A: if you say so! Now go talk to the boys!

M: okay bye!!

A: bye!

*end of phone convo*

I put my phone away and walked to the boys front door. I rang the doorbell. And in my head I repeated.

Please be Vinny or Julian. Please be Vinny or Julian.

The door swung open. Shocker it wasn't Vinny or Julian. It was Louis.

"Oh hi Mikey."

He said not even looking at me.

"Hi. . . Louis. Can I uh come in and talk to you?"

I asked

"Oh sure."

He said opening up the door still refusing to make eye contact.

We walked inside and sat in the kitchen so the conversation wasn't in front of everyone else.

"I just wanted to say that I'm not like mad at you or anything. Ya know because you and Amaya kissed."

I said getting straight to the point.

"Your not?"

He said finally looking at me but confused.

"No. I mean if I could forgive her I should be able to forgive you too. Cuz it's not like you kissed her. Or she kissed you. You both kissed each other."

I said explaining

"Oh thank god man. I didn't want things to be awkward."

He said letting out a sigh if relief.

"Yeah me either."

I said

Then we both got up and gave each other a bro-hug. Now on to Nick. I really don't wanna do this.

"So is uh- Nick here?"

I asked Louis


He asked

"I just wanna talk to him. I swear. I'm here to cut out all the drama."

I said

"Oh yeah he's here. I'll get him."

Louis said walking towards the stairs.

I walked into the living room and just waited for Nick.

(Nick's POV)

I heard Louis shout.

I shouted back

He shouted again.

I said to myself.

I got out of my bed and walked downstairs.

"Where is this visitor?"
I asked Louis

He just pointed to the living room. I walked down the hall and into the living room.

And rolled my eyes. Why the fuck is Mikey here? I don't wanna see him.

He heard me walk in the room and looked up from his phone at me.

"Hey- man."
He said nervously

"Uh- hi."
I said confused.

It was just silent. Could this be anymore awkward.

"So. . . What do you want?"
I finally asked breaking the silence

"I wanted to apologize."
He said

I asked

"For being such a dick friend. And over reacting. I'm just really sorry. I don't wanna loose our friendship."
I was shocked. I've never heard Mikey apologize in the 7 years that I've known him.

"Oh- wow I wasn't expecting that. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have tried to take your girl."
I said walking over to him.

We hugged and a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I don't have to worry about any more dra-. No wait. There's still Amaya. I have to fix that. And I will. Soon. I hope.

(Mikey's POV)

I left the boys house after a few hours. I felt so good about what I had just done. I pulled my phone out and texted Amaya:

No more drama!

She replied:

I'm proud of you!

I got back to the house and started getting ready for this mystery date. It's so weird that I don't know what's gonna happen. I feel like a girl.


To The Moon And Back •• Dangerously In Love (Mikey Fusco)Where stories live. Discover now