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Since Jimin had been taking the mere role of a gardener, he wasn't allowed inside the palace rooms during the time the coronation was held, and since he wasn't sure if Yoongi could always see him or not yet, he thought it was best not to risk it.

  So he waited in the gardens for hours. Hours and hours dragged by, but yet, Jimin would not leave.

  And really, it wasn't that Yoongi had forgotten about him or that he had decided to leave him waiting ridiculously on the spot. It was just that there were so many people hoping to win his favor that he just wouldn't be left alone for a second.

  He couldn't even drink a glass of wine without being followed around.

  And what was worst, most of the people following him around were women, who often shot coy glances in his direction and batted their large eyelashes to catch his attention.

  When the time for dancing rolled around, they just couldn't seem to keep their hands off him.

  Of course all of them were beautiful, Yoongi thought, but he just wasn't interested in having a mistress. It was common for kings to have a mistress and declare whoever they chose as their mistress officially to the public.

  But Yoongi just really didn't care for one. He loved Seo-yun, his fiancée, he really thought he did, the two had known each since they were young. And they weren't even married yet! It was way too early for him to get a lover.

  Those poor girls had no chance of earning the new king's favor.

  However, there was a certain fairy boy that was quite close to getting it, even if he had only been around His Majesty for such a short period of time.

  Finally, after hours of waiting, Yoongi turned up, making Jimin squeal out of surprise.

  "You waited for me," Yoongi said, half surprised half grateful. "It's almost midnight, and yet, here you are."

  Jimin fiddled with his fingers and bowed before smiling at Yoongi. "Well, if it's what the king wants, who am I to deny his wishes? And um, congratulations on becoming king. I'm sure you will lead this country to greatness, Your Majesty." He added shyly.

"Thank you," Yoongi said, and then he smiled, fulls gums on display, and Jimin's heart gave leap. Yoongi was, Jimin now realized upon closer inspection, very handsome. The way his pale face and dark red hair gleamed under the candle light made him seem all the more charming.

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