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  The following one week and a half, Jimin and Yoongi kept seeing each other and sneaking out of the palace late at night, Hoseok and Taehyung now used to their pink haired friend suddenly disappearing for a day or so at this point.

  Yoongi and Jimin have decided to sneak out during dawn sometimes, too, so that they could enjoy the sunrise together and have a few moments of daylight. Sure, they were both in dire need of sleep by those hours, but if this was the only way for them to meet up outside of the palace, then so be it.

  As of now, the pair sat under a tall tree, the sky slowly changing off its pitch black color and switching it for a pinkish one. They were side by side, Jimin reading the book Yoongi had brought him earlier (Romeo and Juliet, such a cliché) while the king looked at the sky, so deep in thought he didn't even notice Jimin was calling out to him.

  It was only when the boy with ash brown hair nudged him that Yoongi set eyes on him again. "Hm?" He hums absentmindedly.

  "Are you alright? I was talking to you but you didn't even seem to notice." Jimin asks, his tone laced his concern.

  "I'm okay," Yoongi lies, and when Jimin arches an eyebrow in disbelief, he brushes his hand against the younger's and gives him his best reassuring smile. Jimin, though not completely convinced, nods and hooks his pinky with Yoongi's, and when Yoongi gives it a little squeeze, Jimin's heart flutters, because he now knows they are both comfortable enough with each other to the point where doing this isn't weird. "What were you saying earlier?"

  "Well, that I don't like this book."

  "You don't like Romeo and Juliet?" Yoongi asked, sounding almost outraged.

  "Not one bit! The purpose of reading stories of fiction is to forget about real life, is it not? Then why would I want to read something this tragic?! It doesn't have a happy ending." Jimin sighs, closing the book and laying it on the grass.

  "Not everyone gets a happy ending," Yoongi mumbles, just loud enough for Jimin to catch it.

  "I know that already, but there's always a second option, imagining..." Jimin mumbles back, pushing his legs up to his chest.

  The two stay silent for a few seconds before Jimin pipes up "Oh! I brought some flowers for you, Yoongi." Jimin undoes the buttons on his waistcoat to reveal a daffodil, a gardenia, and a yellow rose, which had been plastered against his white shirt a few moments earlier.

  Jimin was thankful (and maybe even slightly disappointed) that Yoongi was too busy with his own thoughts, taking the flowers without even asking for their meaning as a result.

  Yoongi thanked Jimin for the flowers and brushed the petals with his free hand, taking them up to his nose to smell them.

    He had no idea how much meaning those flowers held behind their beauty.

  At some point down the road, Jimin had come to the realization that the feelings he had towards Yoongi weren't anything like those that Taehyung , Hoseok or Jin stirred in him. Whenever Jimin was with Yoongi, he felt somehow...complete. Like there had always been some missing piece to him, but he was only just realizing it now. And that piece was Yoongi.

  He wasn't even sure if this was what people referred to as Ludus or even Agape, but Jimin was sure it was some kind of love. 

  There was only one problem with this. Yoongi was a king, and Jimin was, well... not even human.

  But there was no way the fairy could deny that his desire to be held in Yoongi's arms for once as maybe more than just a friend grew stronger by that day. And what was even worse, by now, Jimin had already forgotten all about the girl he had seen Yoongi kissing in the maze. He had no idea the king was already engaged.

  And speaking of Seo-yun, she was meant to come back in a week or less, when the wedding would finally be held.

  Yoongi knew he should've been thankful for this, he should've been eager to hold her in his arms again, but as a matter of fact, he wasn't. He knew that he would have less and less time for Jimin once she came back, but he didn't wanna be away from Jimin anymore if he could help it. He, too, was quickly falling for the fairy.

  Yoongi didn't wanna marry Seo-yun, he soon realized. He never had. But neither of them spoke up about their true feelings. He wanted to be with Jimin and keep whatever it is they had. Friendship or not. Still, he thought such thing was impossible, so kept his feelings to himself. He was engaged now, he would get married, and there was no turning back.

  Well, Jimin at least tried to convey his feelings. The flowers were a good start, he thought, even if Yoongi didn't even notice.

  "I want you to teach me how to charm people," Jimin had said to Taehyung later that exact same day.

  The taller fairy furrowed his brows in confusion, for Jimin had never taken much interesting in trying to get better at spells at charms he had to cast upon people. He had always given it little thought. "What for?"

  "I... well, promise not to laugh?" Taehyung made a thoughtful expression and then nodded. "I wanna take more bouquets to Yoongi's chambers. Recently, he's been... really growing on me. And I want to be able to express that somehow, but I'm not brave enough to say it to his face. So... what better way to do it than giving him flowers?"

  Taehyung's eyes were wide open as he put both of his hands on Jimin's shoulders. "Jimin. please tell me you're not falling in love with him." And when Jimin blushed a deep red and looked away with a small nod, Taehyung reproached him.

"Listen, I know love's supposed to be beautiful and all of that, but this is not gonna end up well, for either of you. You know it just as well as I do, so it's better to just forget about this."

  Jimin smiles sadly and almost grimly at him. "You can't expect me to forget my feelings just because you tell me that, Tae. But please, I really, really need your help."

  And so, the other agreed to teach Jimin (grudgingly). The latter wasn't splendid with charms, but with Yoongi as his motivation, he made huge progress in less than three days. By the time the week ended, Jimin was ready to charm people for at least thirty minutes. It was good enough for him to sneak the flowers into the Yoongi's chambers.

  The following Sunday, Jimin and Yoongi met at dawn at the stables, where they snuck off to the forest once again. When they got back to the castle a few hours later and the king had gotten back into the palace, Jimin made himself invisible and charmed a minister to take the flowers into Yoongi's bedroom.

   The set of flowers was formed by Sweet Williams, pink Zinnias, white Carnations, and a single Motherwort in the middle, and tied to them was a small piece of parchment with Jimin's name on it. (With a heart drawn at the end, of course).


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