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"We need to get out of here..." Jimin said under his breath. Taehyung didn't even have a chance to ask why before Jimin started dragging him away from the crowd with full speed, nearly falling over once or twice.

They ran through the rooms of the palace and through the garden, until they finally reached a forest that was found at the end of the garden. After a lot of running around, the two finally found themselves in front of a crystal cave deep within the trees of the forest.

Taehyung kept trying to get Jimin to explain, but it was useless. He wouldn't utter a word until the two had fully made their way down the cave and stumbled onto a curtain creeper. Jimin parted the plants and walked into the large, mold covered pathway that led to their home.

The fairy with pink hair sighed in relief and closed his eyes before running a hand through his hair. "We're just a few seconds away from home now, so I think we're safe."

"Why wouldn't we be? We're supposed to be-"

"Invisible. Yeah, yeah, I know. But you see, the thing is, I'm almost absolutely sure that someone saw us, or that they saw me." Taehyung literally snorted, making a small feeling of annoyance seethe within Jimin. "I'm serious!"

  "You must've imagined it. I'm telling you, your liking for humans is starting to affect you." He started to walk away and decided to brush Jimin's words as nothing but paranoia, but when Jimin stopped him by placing his hands on either sides of his cheeks, he changed his mind. Jimin was wearing an expression Taehyung rarely saw on his soft features, a very serious one at that.

  "I'm sure he saw me. The prince. He was looking right at my face, I'm sure of it!"

  Taehyung's brows furrowed and his lips were pursed. "But that's- that's impossible! Humans can't see fairies unless we want them to see us!" They were silent for a few minutes, thinking without talking, until the taller fairy finally said "We need to tell Jin."

"Are you out of your mind?! There's now way!" Jimin snapped. "He'll kill us both!"

"Well, you were the one who went sneaking out, I just came to get you! If that man did truly see you, then we could be in danger."

Jimin huffed and kept walking over to the other side of the pathway, Taehyung followed closely behind. "I don't know why everyone says that. Humans aren't dangerous, you could easily knock out at least five of them in a minute." He jabbed a finger at Taehyung and kept walking, now backwards.

Gardens of Love ➬ yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now