17-They Found Out

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Back home, I took a quick shower to freshen myself up and dressed up in my daily clothes.

Dad was down the stairs, cooking already.

Sven would usually cook, but I like dad's cooking better if I have to be honest.

I put a gentle hand on his arm. "Need help?"

He looked at me, then smiled softly. "No, I'm fine."

"Could I go to the Great hall then?"


I smiled and kissed his cheek quickly, I didn't really know why, I'm not quite the persin to do so, but I felt like it.

I walked out the door after and headed towards the Great Hall.

On my way, Ruffnut jogged towards me, alone. Well, that's strange.

"There's something between you and Eret." she directly said.

"What? How... What?" I asked confused.

"You weren't on your  period, that was a week ago because you couldn't come swim with me. Then, Eret wasn't home that night and I know that because Tuff and I went to his house too and I saw you two playing with Stormfly the next day."

I just looked at Ruffnut with a stuned face.

"I'm as dumb as you think I am." She said, slight offended.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just suprised."I said and sighed. "I also would be suprised if Fishlegs spilled all of this out in front of me."

Ruffnut shrugged a little. "But are you guys like... Dating now?"

I sighed. "I will only answer honestly if you promise to keep it a secret."

"I knew it! You guys are dating!" She said a little too loud.

"Sush! Keep it down you idiot!" I hissed angrily at her.

"Alright, sorry." She said with a lower voice as I noticed that a too familiar person was walking towards us.

Oh gods...

Ruffnut had this smug smirk on her face that I did not like at all.

Eret smiled at us. "Hey!" He greeted friendly.

"Hey." I said back, slight nervous.

"Well Eret..." Ruffnut started. "I've heard that..."

I cut her off. "Ruffnut!"


"Leave. Now."


"Please." It didn't sound like a question, more like an order and she obeyed.

Once she was gone Eret cupped my cheek gently. "What's gotten into you?" He asked eith a concerned smile.

"Ruff knows. She knew I... SheknewIwasn'tonmyperiodandyouweren'thomeandshesawusplayingwithStormfly." I blurted out.

He just chuckled. Chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked as I slapped his hand away.

He shrugged a little. "You're kinda cute when you're nervous." He said with slight pink cheeks and scratched the back of his neck.

I blushed too but hid it quickly. "I doubt she'll keep it a secret." I said looking towards the direction Ruffnut walked off.

"I hope she doesn't. That'll be less work for us."

I looked at him with a not so amused look.

"What?" He said. "I though you didn't mind telling?"

"No, but I'd like to tell people myself. Well... I'd like either me or you to tell them." I shrugged lightly. I kinda felt bad for being with him and I thought that it would make things worse if it spread like a rumour instead of us telling. Everyone knew how long me and Hiccup had been together and they saw the chemistry between me and Eret. Everyone was suspecting I had left Hiccup for him and if they fund out through others that would be something to confirm that.

Eret must have seen it in my face, he pulled me in and hugged me and I hugged back, not even caring that we were in a public area.

I burried my face in his chest and felt him leaning his chin on the top of my head.

With each breath, his grip tightened and it was just what I needed, to be in his arms for a moment.

Maybe it had been the therapy that had stressed me out.

But I couldn't tell him, I wouldn't tell him. Not yet anyways.

He lifted his chin away and I felt his lips press on my hair. I closed my eyes and smiled softly into his chest, he couldn't see me smile but he must know I did so because I could feel his lips curl up against my head.

I tilted my head to the side and pressed my cheek against his chest and I felt his lips press onto my forhead in a matter of seconds.

I opened my eyes and tried to look up at him without moving, but my head must have tilted back a little because he opened his eyes, which he must have closed after I did, and looked down at me.

I smiled softly and he smiled back as I reached up with one hand to cup his cheek and stroke it gently.

As I stroked his cheek, he started to lean in and just as his lips were about to touch mine, we heard a voice.

"Holy crap!" it said.

Both Eret and I blushed and when I turned around to face the voice I saw three boys standing in front of me.

Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Snotlout.

I sighed and facepalmed as Eret took a step to stand next to me. "Well, they found out." He said quietly so only I could hear.


Did I confuse yah with the titel? I hope I did. :)

Also hope you enjoyed it mah dragonlovers.

*lots of kisses and brofists*

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