(8) If I can't have you nobody can

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If I can't have you nobody can

Chapter 8

He's answer shocked me into silence. How could my dad do that to somebody? I pressed my face into my hands as I took a long breath trying to calm myself. Sidney didn't say anything until I looked up and focused my eyes on him again.

"You have to get out of here," he said with a worried expression on his face.  

"But how?" I questioned hoping he knew of a way out.  

"I don't know, do whatever it takes but get out of here before it is too late," he answered.  

"I... I don't know how," I stuttered terrified by his words.  

"Hi's your father, there's got to be something you can do. Convince him that you're on his side, tell him that you'll even help him in the lab to prove it to him. Do whatever you have to do Kaiden," he said shocking me even more. There was no way I could say that to my dad, he would hold me to it and force me to do terrible things to Sidney.  

"I can't do that," I said honestly, there had to be another way.  

"It's better than being in here, trust me," Sidney replied.  

"No it's not, I won't help them hurt you. I won't leave without you," I said and I knew it was true, there was no way I was going to leave here without Sidney.

"You can't worry about me, you have to worry about yourself or you'll never get out of here," Sidney said but I didn't pay attention to his words because I had already made up my mind. I was about to tell him to stop being stubborn and start thinking how we could escape when I heard the sound of a door opening.

I was terrified as I heard footsteps walking toward us and then the lights went on. I scanned the area around me hoping to see something that would help us escape but didn't get much time before a figure walked into the room. At first I couldn't see who it was only being able to see his shadow but then he stepped out from behind the rows of cages and I recognized him immediately. It was Jeremy.

His eyes focused on me and a frown crossed his face. He hurried over to me and grabbed my hands through the bars.  

"Are you ok?" he asked looking worried.  

"Yea, I think so. What happened?" I asked as a million questions ran through my head. Did Jeremy get away somehow? Was he here to save me? What if they caught him and threw him in a cage as well?  

"We don't have a lot of time so listen to me ok?" Jeremy said and waited for me to shake my head in agreement before he continued.  

"The night we broke in your dad caught both of us. They threw you in this cage and kept you sedated but they let me wake up. They had me tied up and demanded me to tell them how we managed to break in so I told them, I didn't have any other option. I thought they were going to kill me but instead you dad offered me a job here with them. He said if I accepted they would let me go and I can go back to my normal life. Like I said I didn't have much of a choice so I agreed," Jeremy explained

It took me a few seconds to process all this new information before I could get myself to talk again.  

"What are they going to do to me?" I asked knowing now that my dad was capable of anything.  

"Your dad is going to talk to you tomorrow and make you the same offer he made me. If you accept you will become a part of the team but if you decline you are probably going to wind up like him," Jeremy answered looking in Sidney's direction. Sidney wasn't even looking at us, he was sitting at the back of his cage with his back to us.  

"I can't work for him!" I almost shouted feeling hatred consuming me.  

"You don't have a choice Kaiden. It's the only way you can have a normal life again, it is the only way we can be together," Jeremy replied trying to convince me to become a monster like my dad. I stared at him unable to speak. There was no way I was going to do it.

"I have to go before they catch me talking to you, please make the right decision," Jeremy said with a sad smile and then he disappeared again switching off the lights and leaving us in the dark with nowhere to go.

If I can't have you nobody can and it's sequel Project SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now