(10) If I can't have you nobody can

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If I can't have you nobody can

Chapter 10

"I am very disappointed in you Kaiden," my dad said shaking his head in disapproval.  

"I'm sorry," I apologized not sure what else to say.  

"I'm sure you are but I'm not sure if I can trust you with my secret," he stated.  

"You can, I promise I won't tell anybody," I begged hoping he would just let me go without making me work for him. I would have to think of a way to save Sidney but at least I won't be forced to do bad things to him.  

"I would like to believe you but I am afraid I can't. You are going to have to earn my trust," he said.  

"How am I supposed to do that?" I questioned already knowing the answer.  

"You can work here for us," he stated like it wasn't a big deal at all.  

"And if I don't want to?" I questioned wanting to make sure that what Jeremy told me was true.  

"Then you are going back to your cage and staying there," he answered looking at me with cold eyes. My dad is a complete psychopath.

"I don't have much time Kaiden, you better decide what you want to do," my dad said sounding irritated. I thought about my two options for a second and came to the conclusion that I would be of much more help to Sidney from inside the lab then inside a cage.  

"Ok, I'll help you," I said cringing at the thought of what they might force me to do.  

"Good, that's a very wise decision," my dad said smiling evilly at me making my stomach cringe with fear.

My dad got up from his chair and walked passed me only stopping at the door and focusing his attention on Clark.

"I have to go now, show her around and get her to help around and keep an eye on her, I'm not sure if she can be trusted yet," he stated.  

"Sure thing Liam, I understand," Clark replied and then my dad disappeared out of the office leaving me alone with him. I was terrified of him but knew I had no choice but to do as he told me.

"Come on then," he said getting up from his chair and gesturing for me to follow him. He didn't hurt me again but I could tell that he was watching me carefully. If I did anything wrong he wouldn't hesitate to kill me. He showed me around the main lab and introduced me to a few people. Most of them just looked like normal people but I knew there had to be something seriously wrong with them if they could work in a place like this.

"Where is Jeremy?" I asked when Clark was finally done showing me around and introducing me to all the crazy people.  

"He is at school, he'll be here this afternoon," he replied.  

"Oh, shouldn't I be at school too?" I questioned wondering what excuse they have given the school for my absence.  

"No, your parents have decided that it was best if you dropped out. You will be working here full time, now stop asking questions and follow me."

He walked over to an old man he had introduced to me earlier as Graham.  

"You'll be helping Graham today," Clark said and then left me with the old man. Graham seemed friendlier then Clark but I still didn't trust him. He instructed me how to mix some chemicals and watched me carefully as I did what he said. He told me that if I made a mistake with the mixture it could have some seriously bad effects on the subjects. I hated doing this but I didn't see any other way so I mixed the stuff together and did as I was told.

When the mixture was complete he told me that it was an experimental drug that they've been working on for the last couple of years. They were trying to make animals more intelligent so that they could be used to collect information. They won't be able to talk but will apparently be able to understand human conversation and behavior. They will be programmed to obey Graham and then to go into the outside world and retrieve information. The information will be taken straight from their minds with some sort of machine that Graham showed me. I had no idea how the thing worked and to be honest I didn't want to know.

He filled about ten syringes with the experimental drug and then led be to the room full of cages, the room where Sidney was being kept.  

"Put these on and be careful when you inject them, some of them bite," he told me handing me a pair of very thick cloves. I put them on not wanting to get bitten, who knew what would happen to me if one of these creatures bit me. I might turn into some sort of monster and die.  

"Ok, we'll start with subject one," Graham said taking out a file from a drawer beneath the cage and opening it. At the top of the file there was a picture of a little monkey. He handed me the file to look at it. The monkey was called Kai and was ten years old. They've had him at the lab since he was born. He was bread here, his parents died shortly after he was born. He's been used for project ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE for the last three years.

I closed the file unable to read more. The things they were doing here was disgusting and cruel. I hated my father for doing this and my mother for allowing him. She must be in on it since she agreed that I should drop out of school. I looked up at the poor little monkey in the cage in front of me and had to suppress my gasp. I knew some of the animal in here was severely deformed but seeing the photo of how he looked before only made it worse.

"Are you ready?" Graham asked from beside me and I had to take a deep breath to regain my composure.  

"Yes," I lied knowing I will never be ready to do something like this. He opened the cage and took Kai out handling him carefully. He didn't look aggressive at all as he placed him on the counter behind us.  

"I'll hold him while you inject him in his leg," he said holding the monkey tightly. I took one of the syringes and injected Kai with the experimental drug as a tear escaped my eye.

If I can't have you nobody can and it's sequel Project SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now