(25) If I can't have you nobody can

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If I can’t have you nobody can

Chapter 25

I woke up wrapped in Sidney’s arms and smiled as I remembered what we had done last night. It was by far the best night of my life. It didn’t take long before Sidney’s eyes fluttered open and focused on me. His eyes lingered down my body and a huge smile crept over his face.

“Hi,” he whispered running his finger down my body causing me to shiver and push myself even closer against him. He laughed at my reaction and did it again. This time I laughed with him and then pressed my lips against his needing to kiss him again. We kissed passionately for a while until things started getting steamy again.

“We have to get going, we already stayed to long,” Sidney said pulling away. I could tell that he didn’t really want to stop by the look on his face. I moaned and pulled him closer again wanting to forget about everything and the fact that we were on the run. He kissed me back but only for a few seconds before pulling away again and jumping to his feet.

He held his hand out for me and I took it reluctantly getting up. I just wanted to stay in his arms forever. We got dressed and then sat down to eat some chocolate bars and crisps before heading out. Sidney gave me the last flavored milk and refused to share it with me claiming that I needed it much more than he did.

We slowly started making our way out of the cave when Sidney froze in his tracks and smelled the air. His expression changed from one of happiness to one of anger.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, scared by his reaction.

“They're here, they’ve got us surrounded,” he stated pulling me further back into the cave. We quickly made our way back to the area where we stayed last night. Sidney took my bag from me and started taking out the little veils of blue liquid and syringes.

“You have to inject me,” he stated holding them out to me. I took one of the vases as well as a syringe from him but he shook his head.

“All of them,” he said placing the rest of them in my hands.

“No! I can’t!” I half yelled shocked by what he wanted me to do.

“Please Kaiden, I would really hate to have to do it myself but I will if I have too,” he said looking at me pleadingly.

“What if you overdose or something?” I asked in a shaky voice.

“I won’t, now please just do it,” he replied rolling up his shirt’s sleeve and holding his arm out for me.

 I didn’t want to do it but I knew he would just do it himself if I refused so instead of arguing I took one of the syringes and filled it with the blue liquid.

“Go on,” he whispered smiling at me. I smiled back at him trying to swallow my fear and injected him. His arm went ice cold and his face contorted in pain just like before.

“Are you sure?” I asked not wanting to cause him anymore pain.

“Yes, do it quickly,” he answered, his pain clear in his voice.

I did as he asked and filled the rest of the remaining syringes one by one and injected them into his arm. When I was done he fell over shaking with pain.  After a few minutes the violent shaking stopped but it took about an hour before he moved again. I was sitting next to him when his eyes fluttered open and focused on me. I could feel my body stiffen as a little surprised moan escaped my throat.

Sidney looked surprised by my reaction as he quickly sat up and moved away from me.

“What’s wrong?” He asked looking worried.

“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just your eyes,” I said cursing myself for the way I reacted.

“What about them?” he questioned in a shaky voice.

“Their black,” I replied as I leaned forward and took his hand in mine. He looked shocked but didn’t say anything so I continued talking.

“It just took me by surprise, I still love you,” I whispered moving so that I was sitting on his lap. My words seemed to calm him as he wrapped his arms around me.

“I love you more,” he said smiling at me before gently pressing his lips against mine. We kissed for a few seconds before Sidney pulled away and got to his feet pulling me up with him.

“I need you to stay here, I’m just going to go take care of our little problem and then I’ll be back to get you,” he said sounding completely calm again.

I took a hold of his hand and heard a low growl escape his mouth.

“I’m not letting you do this alone,” I whispered looking up into his shiny black eyes. I know he wanted me to stay behind and let him face my dad on his own but I couldn’t do that.

He is my life and I would stand by him no matter what. I will face my dad and possible death for him because without him my life wouldn’t be worth living anyway.

If I can't have you nobody can and it's sequel Project SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now