Chapter 3

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Adrian and I lay on the riverbank, both of our eyes closed. The sun warms and dries us from the freezing water. The sun paints the backs our eyelids red. I sigh softly, the feeling of the warm sun against my face put me in a state of bliss. I could fall asleep like this.

A dark shadow covers that red light behind my closed lids. I open my eyes to find the current head Warrior Wade standing above me.

I jump to my feet, Adrian following suit. We both bow our heads as a sign of respect.

"Caden Lancaster and Adrian Pierce. Alpha Zaryn has told me to take both of you back early to the pack territory. Since you are the next in line for Head Warrior and Head Tracker he would like to get to know you two individually before the other warriors arrive home. We are leaving in thirty minutes. Be ready." Wade says to us in a clipped tone.

"We are going home now?!" Adrian asks excitedly. "Really? Thank you!"

"Thank you," I say softly. I keep myself composed on the outside, but on the inside, I was jittering with excitement. I would get to meet my little mate tonight.

"Pack whatever you would like to take with you. Meet me near a red truck. It'll be the only vehicle here so it will not be hard to find." Wade then turns and walks back through the woods, probably back to the cabins.

"Come on Adrian. Let's get packed and head out." I pull him along through the forest.

"Do you think that I will find my mate tonight?" Adrian asks softly from behind me.

"Maybe. What is your wolf telling you?"

"He keeps whining. Like... a scared cry. Maybe he is just nervous? Or maybe he is afraid about what will happen when I see my parents. I know they do not love me. I am hopeful, not stupid. I can see that they do not care for me. I don't know about my wolf though. He refuses to talk to me." Adrian sighs softly.

I pull Adrian close, swinging my arm around his shoulders.

"Don't worry Adrian. I love you. To me, you are like the little brother that I never got to have. If your parents do not want you, I will take you in and we can be a family. Even though it seems like it already is that way. Us being a family. I will always be there for you." I say gently.

Adrian smiles brightly.

"Thank you, Caden. I look up to you like an older brother. I'm an only child too. Well if my parents didn't choose to have any more pups. They probably did though. But... oh well. I've got you and a mate waiting for me at home. I will find him tonight. I can just feel it."

Adrian and I make it back to our cabin. We find large duffel bags on our beds to most likely put our clothes and other belongings in for our journey to the pack territory.

I grab the duffel bag and set it down on top of my dresser. I pull out a drawer and stuff all of my clothes into the bag. Then I pack my toothbrush and other toiletries that I will need. I shove all of my medals and ranking awards into the bag as well.

Finally, I reach down under the bed and pull out my box from Luna Eden. I set it on my bed. I zip up the duffel bag before sitting down and placing the box on my lap.

I open the box to pull out the smaller blue wooden box inside. I take a deep breath and open the box. I first find a note. I take it out and unfold it.

Dear Caden,

You will be coming home to us soon. I know that as soon as you arrive that you will want to claim my pup as yours. Through the years you have proven to be a skillful, wise, and brave warrior.

Instead of sleeping in your own house provided by my husband, I would like to invite you to stay in the packhouse with all of the higher-ranking wolves. You completely deserve this.

I also have heard that you have a friend. You mentioned a young man by the name of Adrian in many of your letters to us. We have also prepared a living space for him as well since he is the most highly skilled tracker.

It makes me very happy to have such loyal men like you protecting our pack. I have given you a gift that will come in handy in the future. I will not tell you for what, but when the time comes you will know what to do with them.

I hope you have the safest travels on your way home.
Best wishes,
Luna Eden

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