Chapter 30

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"Make sure that the Luna gets lots of rest. He almost lost the pup because of the stress. I recommend that he stays in bed rest for the remainder of his pregnancy to keep stress to a minimum. I would like to keep him for a little longer just to monitor him. But other than that he is good to go home by later tonight. I will send you away with some all-natural herbal medicine that relieves stress."

"Yes, thank you. I will have Luna Eden stay in our room for now."

The doctor leaves me in Eden's hospital room as he goes to retrieve some medicine for Eden. I stare at Eden's unconscious body, stroking his hair as he sleeps.

Eden began having panic attacks when I left to go out on hunting parties. He was starting to fear that I wouldn't come back. He was so afraid that I too would have the same fate as our two oldest pups. There was nothing I could do or say to make Eden feel at ease.

Today as Adrian and I led other trackers into the woods, Noah mind linked me telling me to come back immediately. That Eden had a panic attack and collapsed. I sprinted back to the packhouse where Eden was being carted away to the pack hospital wing.

Noah and I stood outside his hospital room for hours, waiting for the doctor to give us the okay to go in. After the doctor told us that Eden almost lost our pup, Noah had slid into bed with Eden to pull him close and comfort him.

I look over to Noah who is still clinging onto his older brother. I forgot just how much alike they looked. Noah and Cole had been very busy with pack business that had piled up because I was too occupied with tracking my pups to do any of the paperwork. They were holed up in their office most of the day dealing with everything that the pack fell behind on.

It had been a while since all of us had been near each other. Of course, Noah and Eden were identical but it was always so fascinating to see them together. Two people who looked the same with two very different personalities.

Eden shifts, cuddling closer to Noah in his sleep. I place my hand onto Eden's stomach and run slow circles into him.

"Don't worry, Zaryn. Your pup will be okay. I can feel it. The pup is already healing from the damage caused. I don't think that you will have to worry about your pup dying. Eden will feel terrible about what happened and he won't do anything to jeopardize his health."

"I'm not worried about Eden. I know that he will be fine. Eden and our pup are very strong and will come out on the other end fine. I'm worried about Sage and Rayne. It's been months. I'm starting to lose hope. I know that I cannot quit until we find them. Or their bodies. I don't want to imagine my pups dead, Noah. But... all I can picture is Rayne and Sage laying in a ditch somewhere because Carlisle's son wanted revenge. Goddess, they're only seventeen! They have so much more of their lives ahead of them. We need to bring them home safely but there are only so many places we can search for them."

There is a knock on the door. Adrian hesitantly enters the room, Flynn in his arms. Flynn... My sweet grandson.

He smiles when he sees me. His chubby little arms reaching out and making grabby hands at me. Just like Rayne used to do when he saw me. I saw so much of my little pup in Flynn.

Adrian places Flynn onto my lap. I pull the little boy up and kiss his rosy cheeks. He squeals, grasping onto my beard which I had let grow out a little bit more than usual. Flynn's nose crinkles at the feel of my beard against his cheek. Adrian laughs softly from beside me, rubbing Flynn's cheek with his pointer finger.

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