Chapter 22

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Sage was still asleep two hours later so Fallon and I left the room and went our separate ways. Fallon, going to the kitchen to make a small dinner for him and his brother. And I stood in front of my parent's room, pacing back and forth, deciding wether to knock on the door or leave.

The decision is made for me when the door opens to reveal a small girl who couldn't have been older than nine or ten.

"Mama?" The girl yells. "Some man is at the door!"

Flynn buries his head into my shoulder at the girl's loud voice. I rub small circles into his back to comfort him from the noise.

My mother approaches the door and as she sees my pup in my arms she covers her mouth to muffle the soft squeal that comes out. I smile gently at my mother and hold out one arm. She runs past the little girl to throw her arms around me, careful of Flynn who now looks up curiously at my mother.

"Oh, Adrian. He's so... perfect." As my mother fawns over my pup, the little girl retreats into the room calling for her father. Our father, my wolf corrects.

Yes. Our father.

"Would you like to hold him?" I ask. This time my mother can't contain the squeal of delight as she scoops up Flynn into her arms.

"Careful," I warn. "He's only a couple days old. He may look older but he's still fragile just like any other pup."

"Of course," my mother half-listens as she coos over her grand pup, stroking his chubby cheek. Flynn reaches up and tangles his tiny fingers into my mother's hair and giggles. My mother all but melts at the action, cradling him closer and kissing all over his face.

I catch movement out of the corner of my eyes and see my father cautiously making his way over to me. My mother sees him as well, turning towards my father and presenting the pup to him Simba style, an even prouder and wider smile spreading across her face.

"Marvin! Isn't our grand pup just so adorable?! He's so perfect! Adrian did such an amazing job! Just look at that cute little chubby face! Good Goddess I could just die! He is such a treasure!"

My father stares at the pup, seemingly speechless. He turns his attention towards me, his hands twitching at his sides.

"Adrian," he clears his throat as his voice cracks and tries again. "Adrian... I am... so so sorry."

"It's okay. I don't hold anything against you anymore. Besides, if I had not gone to the camp I wouldn't have met my best friend or have had Flynn. And they both mean everything to me. It's alright. I forgive you, father."

His face crumbles as he reaches out to me and pulls me into a crushing embrace. He cries silently as he whispers over and over again how sorry he really is and how he is going to make it up to me. I hug him back, rubbing in between his shoulder blades. He presses his nose against my scent glands at the base of my neck and inhales deeply.

"Goddess, Adrian. You have no idea how much I've missed you," my father says.

"Father," I say. He looks up at me through teary eyes. "Would you like to hold Flynn?"

He nods, looking dazed as my mother reluctantly places her grand pup into my fathers arms. Flynn looks up at me and I smile at him before he digs his nose into my father's chest, getting familiarized with his scent.

My father holds Flynn so gently and carefully as if he is afraid to drop him. He raises a shaky hand and strokes the back of Flynn's fuzzy head.

"Precious, isn't he?" My mother says. My father nods, nuzzling his head close to Flynn's.

"He looks so much like you." My father comments.

"He does," I say, pressing my hand against Flynn's back. As soon as he feels my hand on him he lets out a soft while, signaling that he's hungry.

"I should go and feed him. He's getting hungry." I say just as Flynn starts feeling out for a nipple on my father's chest. Both my parents let out laughs as he continues to search.

"Please don't go," my mother says. "Come and meet your younger siblings, and let us bring up some dinner and we can talk some more. You can even go into our bedroom if you'd like some privacy while feeding Flynn if you don't feel comfortable to do it around other people. But please, Adrian come in and allow us all to be around you more." My mother's pleading eyes meet mine and I give in.

"Alright. But I can only stay for dinner. I need to be there when Alpha Sage wakes up. He needs to meet Flynn. It's important."

"Of course," my mother says, already pulling me into their room.

My parents had a bedroom off to the side for themselves in the small apartment-like rooms that couples could request for families. There were three other doors, two of which had beds in them for the children. A bunk bed in a blue painted room and a pink princess bed in a hot room. In between the bedrooms was a children's bathroom. There was a living room that doubled as a small dining room with couches and a table with six chairs around it. There was another closed door at the other side of the apartment which I'm sure I'd find out what it led to later on.

My father hands me Flynn and I take a seat on their brown leather couch, getting in a comfortable position, before popping the button snap shoulder to my shirt and pulling it down so that I could feed Flynn.

Flynn attaches onto my nipple, suckling hard to bring milk into his mouth. I wince at the feeling, shifting his body and rubbing at his little back as he feeds.

My father gathers up my siblings from their rooms while my mother grabs a light blanket to drape over Flynn while he eats.

Three little children walk out of their rooms. The little girl looking no older than nine or ten gives me a shy wave. The older looking boy backs away as he sees me. The youngest looking boy, an omega, beams as he sees me. Making an almost immediate connection with some since I too am an omega.

The boy runs up to me and climbs up onto the couch, wrapping his little arms around my neck, burying his head next to mine.

"Hi," he giggles as my lips tickle his neck as I speak. "What's your name?"

"Alistair," he whispers.

"Hi, Alistair. I'm your big brother, Adrian."

"Alistair and Alexander are twins." My father says. "They are both six. Abigail is nine. They were both surprise pregnancies. So is the one your mother is carrying now."

Abigail and Alexander sit on either side of my father while Alistair sinks down into my lap next to Flynn. All three of my siblings look like me. Like our father.

"Do you know the gender yet?" I ask, running my hands through Alistair's silky brown hair. Flynn looks up at me, letting out a small burp, holding his hand out which tells me that he is done. His eyes flutter shut as he falls asleep against my chest. I pop the buttons of my shirt back together.

"Another girl. We are thinking of naming her Adeline. She'll be here within the month."

"That's a lovely name," I say, looking up into my fathers deep blue eyes.

"Adrian I,-" my father is interrupted by a frantic knocking at the door. My mother rushes out of her bedroom to answer the door. I hear the faint voice of Fallon and bolt up. Alistair clings onto me so he doesn't fall. I help him steady himself, setting him down on the couch before making my way towards Fallon with Flynn in my arms.

"Adrian," Fallon lets out a sigh of relief, pulling me close into his arms. "The doctor says that Sage will be waking any minute now and that we should both be there when he wakes so we can ease him into what has happened. I'm sorry but we have to go now."

My mother gives me a hug, kissing my and Flynn's foreheads. "You stay in touch, alright? Visit when you can." She says.

"I will. I promise."

I let Fallon guide me to the hospital room where Sage was staying at the other side of the pack house. We find out that Sage had been moved to Fallon's room so he would be more comfortable.

We enter Fallon's room and stand at the edge of the bed. The heart monitor picks up a small bit. Fallon reaches out and brushes his fingers against my cheek.

"Are you ready to meet Sage? The real Sage?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."


I wake up with my mind in a groggy haze. A migraine pounds around in my skull, making me groan as I try to open my eyes that are crusted over. I rub at my eyes to get rid of the crust.

When I am finally able to pry open my eyes I see that I am laying in Fallon's bed. Both Fallon and another boy that I do not recognize are standing at the end of the bed, talking in hushed whispers. The boy holds a small bundle that smells of a pup. My wolf immediately reacts to the sight of them.

Mates... Mine... what?!

"F-Fallon?" I whisper, my voice dry and cracking as I try to speak. Both Fallon and the other boy's heads turn so fast towards my direction that I swear they could have gotten whiplash.


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