Chapter 16

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I down the last drops of the bottle of Wisteria before throwing it at the ground. I watch as it shatters into millions of shimmering pieces on the floor.

A giggle bubbles up from my throat as the top of the bottle is left unbroken, rolling across the floor only to stop at my feet.

I stand up too quickly, the world tilting and spinning as I stumble out the door to make my way towards Fallon's room.

As his room comes into view I feel a great sense of relief knowing that I would be near Fallon. Maybe he will go get me another drink... my feet are sore and bleeding from having walked across the glass on the floor. It would be nice to have someone wait on me every once in a while. I never get any time to myself anymore. Not that I ever had any time to myself in the first place.

Another drunken giggle turned hiccup bursts from my body as I smell Fallon's comforting scent coming from his bedroom.

I push open the door without knocking, tripping over the floor and into the room. Fallon's eyes widen as he sees me. I make my way over to him, giggling as I fall into his lap.

"Oh Fallon," I whisper while sniffing his wonderful, mouthwatering scent. "I feel so good!"

I push myself up so I am in a sitting position on his lap. The shock on his face is quickly replaced with anger.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Adrian?" He suddenly growls out. The dangerous edge to his voice is enough to make me sober up enough to comprehend what is happening around me. My body trembles with slight fear, as he has never even raised his voice at me and now he is in my face, yelling at me and angry with me for whatever reason.

Fallon pushes me off of him and angrily stands up.

"How fucking stupid are you?! You are pregnant for Goddess sake! And you decide to drink a whole damn bottle of strong alcohol to dull whatever you are feeling at the moment instead of being a fucking adult and dealing with it?! You are unbelievable. Are you not thinking about your pup?!"

"Goddess! For once can we not talk about this stupid pup? All you ever do is talk about the pup and what is best for the pup and what we need for the pup! What about me?! Your mate?! I'm sick of you directing all of your attention to a pup that isn't even yours! That we won't be raising together!" My breathing is heavy and hard as I vent out all of my anger into Fallon.

"I thought you said that you wanted to keep the pup," Fallon says in a quieter tone compared to our full-on screaming match only seconds ago.

"Oh for fucks sake Fallon don't twist my words. I said that I was acknowledging the pup's presence and getting used to the feeling of carrying a pup. Never once said that we were going to keep the damn parasite!"

"How could you say that about an innocent pup, Adrian? Your own innocent little pup? How would he feel when finds out years from now that you abandoned him?"

"I'm not fucking abandoning him!" I cry out, frustrated with Fallon. "I'm giving him a better life! One that I can't give him! I want him to have two stable parents in a loving home! Not three fathers, one of which raped the other which happened to be the night in which he was created! I don't want him living in a divided family with fucked up problems! Of course, I want pup's of my own but it's hard when I know that I'll never be a good father! I've already failed as a son! I don't need to fail at another simple job."

My voice breaks towards the end of my rant. Fallon stares at me with cold hard eyes. Tears drip down my face as I stagger out of the room. My heart aches as he doesn't chase after me.

I find myself making my way towards a very familiar scent that I have been longing to smell for years.

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