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Six-year-old Kalen cried in the arms of his father. His Fafa. The small boy was distraught. He had seen the way his Uncle Sage had spent much time with his two brothers. But when Kalen wanted to play with his favorite Uncle, Sage would give the small pup the look.

Sage's nose would scrunch up and his stomach would jolt as he gagged. His Uncle would distance himself from the teary-eyed pup each time. Kalen thought that his Uncle despised him and it made Kalen upset.

What was so wrong with Kalen that his Uncle didn't want to be around him? That his Uncle couldn't stand to even look at him?

Caden rubbed his sobbing pup's back as he lifted Kalen into his arms. He walked up the stairs to the packhouse and into his room. Rayne sat on the bed waiting for Caden and their pup. Caden had informed Rayne through the mind link as to why their son was wailing in his arms. Rayne reaches out and gathers his small pup into his arms to allow Caden to grab the pup's pajamas from the dresser.

Rayne was angry with his older brother. How dare he make his pup cry. Rayne knew how Sage felt about being around Kalen, who was beginning to look more and more like Afton. Sage didn't want to look at Kalen at all. Even if Sage felt awful being around the pup, he was innocent in all of this.

Sage needed to control the way he looked at Kalen especially now that Kalen was more aware of people's facial expressions. He would talk to Sage later on when they were both free to sit down and have a long talk.

Caden and Rayne help Kalen change into his pajamas and tuck him into his bed. The bedsheet's design had little stars and moons on it. They were Kalen's favorite sheets.

It took Kalen hours to fall asleep, and when he did he had nightmare after nightmare. The next day he had been awoken early to get ready for Sunday breakfast.

Every Sunday Kalen's family would spend the day together. It used to be a joyous event for Kalen getting to spend time with all of his family members. But it had turned sour when he began to notice his Uncles actions towards him.

It was the same ordeal today. Kalen came downstairs to the dining room. His family would greet him and his two brothers with hugs and kisses. Sage would greet his brothers with enthusiasm, but sparingly glancing at Kalen with a small hello before he gave Kalen the look.

This time though, Kalen felt differently. He hadn't felt the need to cry or huddle close to his parents.

No, he felt anger. A burning ember of anger igniting and spreading in his little heart. His eyes glowed a bright golden and his little fingernails turned to claws.

Kalen's claws slashed into Sage's leg. His Uncle yelped in pain as blood bubbled up from his now cut thigh. Kalen's parents gasped at his actions. Everyone in the room became shocked as the once timid boy lashed out at his Uncle.

Later that night as Kalen sat in his small bed, stroking his favorite sheets with his little hands, his parents scolded him for his actions. Rayne and Caden hoped that this little episode would be the last time that Kalen acted out. He was such a good pup and had never acted the way he did.

But his parent's hopes for their pup wouldn't last. As they realized that Kalen's extreme anger wasn't over yet.


It was only the beginning...

*I hope you enjoyed reading this story. It is sad to say goodbye to the characters I have come to love. But they will be making appearances in the third book though. Remember to vote and comment!*


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