Chapter 17

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My mother stares at me with wide, teary eyes. We stand in silence for what feels like hours before my mother moves her hand so it rests on my cheek.

"Adrian," my mother starts. "Goddess, I have been waiting so long for this day to come. To meet you again and get to know you. But you keep running away from me."

"Can I come in?" My mother moves out of the way so I can enter the room. The room is a sort of lounging area full of comfy looking couches and chairs. We are the only people in the room at the moments, the only evidence of others in the room is the faint lingering scents of some pack members.

I take a seat at a small, blue, overstuffed couch in the middle of the room. My eyes drift over to my mother, who stands uncomfortably in front of me, not knowing what to do. I pat the spot next to me in a silent offering for her to sit down next to me. She sits down beside me, placing her hand on her large belly as she lowers herself onto the couch. She takes a deep breath as she makes contact with the cushion beneath her.

"So," my mother starts. "Tell me what has happened over the years. I want to know everything about my eldest son."

"Well, I made it through training camp and came out as a head tracker. My friend Caden and I got to go back to the pack earlier than everyone else to get familiar with the pack. When we arrived I found both my mates. It is crazy to think about but I have two mates. And as everyone probably knows at this point, Alpha Sage is under the control of Sun Magic. So he was under the influence of somebody else. He," I trail off, not sure how to explain to my mother that my own mate brutally raped me on a night in which my pup was conceived. I decide not to beat around the bush and tell her straightforward what happened to me.

She does not take it well. Her breathing quickens as she bursts into tears. Her arms tank me close as she whimpers and sobs loudly in my ear.

"It's ok. I wasn't awake for most of it. I fainted towards the beginning anyway." What was my way of trying to calm the situation, only made her cry even more.

My mother's tears don't stop for another five minutes or so before she is able to calm down enough to talk again.

"Oh Goddess, Adrian. If I knew that all of this would happen to you I would have never let you leave my side. I did not even know that you were being sent to the warrior training camp in Washington. Your father sent you away and put me on the no-contact list. he even put himself on the no-contact list. As far as I knew you had run away until the Alpha assured me that you were sent to the camp. I cried so hard that night. I cried so hard that I got sick. I couldn't believe that your father took away your choice to live a normal life of a growing pup. You never got to play or make friends. You didn't even get to meet your younger siblings. They were so excited to meet you when they were old enough to understand that they had an older brother somewhere in the world. But when I had them write up letters for you and draw pictures so that you would feel more at home. But when I tried to mail them out through the pack's postal services, my pups were also put on the no-contact list. I was so angry with him.

"A little later your father realized what he had done. But it was too late to change anything. You would have been nine years old and about three years into your training. He cried... I don't think that I have ever seen him cry that much before in my life other than the moment he reflected upon his choices. He really loves you, Adrian. As do I. I'm not saying that you should give us a chance. It is completely up to you whether or not you allow us to be in you and your pup's life. I know that you want to give up the pup to another family but you must have thought about what Alpha Sage would think about when he finds out that he has fathered a pup that he didn't know about only for the pup to be given up without his knowledge. I want you to have an amazing life with your mates and have a family but it really is up to you. This is your body and your life and I will be proud of you no matter what you choose to do. "

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