Chapter 9

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Two weeks had passed before Rayne was able to be discharged from the pack hospital. His wound had healed completely over and he was perfectly healthy again.

Sage was released from the pack cells a little under a week ago. He has been acting more cheery lately. He even tried talking to me and Fallon, acting -dare I say- pleasant to be around. But something was up with him... something off. I don't trust him.

I did not have much time to talk with Fallon and get to know him more because of my new duties as future Head Tracker. As of right now, I am training our warriors in the training fields with Head Warrior Wade and Caden.

While Caden and Wade trainer half of the warriors teaching them new battle techniques, I was playing a little game with the other half.

I assigned a pup to hide small objects in the woods earlier that morning. I kept small pieces of fabric rubbed with the different scents as the other objects hidden in the woods in little boxes.

I had opened up one minute ago and let each warrior sniff a fabric that smelled of vanilla. Then I sent them off to follow the smell. The first one to return with the object wins.

The game is not about finding the scent of one object individually, but to be aware of other surroundings when you are tracking as well. Not to focus solely on one scent for too long. To be aware of the different scents that you would not usually find in the forest.

Then after they find the first object and come back I will reveal the second scent. The warriors who were actually staying sharp and paying attention will be able to find the other objects much easier. The others will fall behind and lose the game.

A loud howl resounds through the training grounds, signaling that a warrior has found the designated object.

The thundering of paws on the ground can be heard as all the warriors dart out of the tree line in their wolf forms.

They all shift and stand up. One warrior, Warner, steps forward holding out a small vanilla scented candle.

"Amazing work Warner! You get a point!" I mark his name down on the pad of paper in my hands. Warner smiles triumphantly and pumps his fist into the air, letting out a victorious howl. Some warriors celebrate along with him while others roll their eyes. I clear my throat and turn to address the whole group.

"At the end whoever gets the most points racked up will get a special treat and a day off from training this week," I announce. The warriors all seem more interested in the task now. I grin and pick out another box after placing the candle onto the first plastic casing.

I pull off the lid off and let the warriors pass around the container.

The smell of durian fruit fills the air and the warriors scrunch their noses up in disgust at the rotten garbage smell.

I purposely hid the durian on the other side of the training grounds and drilled the tiniest hole into the shell of the fruit. Only the slightest smell escaping from the hard casing around the durian.

I shoo the warriors away and they shift, charging with a sudden determination into the woods. I smile and turn around onto to bump into the small body of Rayne.

"Rayne! What are you doing here?" I ask. Rayne's lips curve up into an adorable smile, his ears flopping as he drops to the ground. I sit beside him and stare into his vibrant green eyes.

"I was curious. I have never seen a training activity like this one before. It seems very fun and entertaining. I think the warriors like having you and Caden around. It is not the same old boring routine. I like it. It makes me want to become a warrior. Between you and me," Rayne leans in close to me. "I've always been able to sniff out things really good. Just don't tell my dad cuz it's how I find where he hides his secret stash of candy and chocolates."

Rayne lets out a giggle and I laugh along with him.

"Well if you ever want to join me in training them you are welcome to. It gets a little lonely waiting for them to complete a task. I wait until the warriors are gone before I train. So I just kind of sit and wait the whole day for them to finish a task."

"Really?!" He asks. I nod softly. He throws his arms around me and buries his face into my neck.

"Thank you," he whispers. He pulls away after a couple of seconds and sits back on his knees.

Rayne's eyes widen and he stifles out a laugh as he stares off into the distance.

I turn to find a warrior wolf stumbling out of the woods. I hear his whimpers from far away as he shrinks down close to the ground a cracked open durian fruit hands from his tightly clenched jaws. One half hanging loosely as the durian was somehow cracked open now.

I suppress my laughter to let out a howl to signal that the warriors can return from their hunt.

Rayne continues to giggle as the warrior shifts and hold the durian as far as he can from his face.

I recognize the warrior as Carlisle, one of the warriors that had come from the warrior training camp when I was there.

He drops the durian fruit and stumbles away gagging. Rayne picks up the durian and places it down into its designated box. When all the warriors are back in the clearing I pop open another lid.

A fragrant smell like perfume wafts up into the air.

"Alright, boys! Get ready because this object will be the hardest one to find today! You will not get to pass this one around." I hold up the container towards the air. The warriors strain themselves to get a whiff of the fabric.

"Okay get to work!" The warriors charge into the forest for the third time today.
I turn around to find Rayne opening all of the boxes and sniffing the different scents.

He holds out a container to me and smiles brightly.

"You should do this one next. It smells like Caden." He says happily.

I grin at him and take the container into my hands. Rayne hums softly as he turns back to the stack of boxes and continues to smell them.

Rayne is a sweet little omega. He seems like a person who is genuinely happy and kind all the time. I think that Rayne and I will become good friends.

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