Chapter 32

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Rayne screams, crying as he pushes again. He was losing strength fast and it was worrying us because he may not be able to muster up enough strength to make it through the final stretch which was fast approaching. I hold Rayne's hand in a tight grip while pressing a cool cloth to his head.

Every time Rayne would push Dion pressed against his belly to aid in getting the pup to come out easier.

"I contacted a pack north of here," Dion says suddenly.


"Yes. I told them about everything Afton has been doing here. They should have enough resources to fight Afton off and protect themselves from Sun Magic. I snuck out and told the pack everything they needed to know about the Rogue pack. They are here now... As soon as Rayne gives birth you are going to run west. Once Afton is killed the spell will be broken. Afton had wards protecting the location of his pack so no one could find him. Why your very capable pack warriors could not find you. Two hours west from our location is where you will find your pack. I will help you secure your pups and Rayne to your wolf's body so you can run easily without worrying about them falling off. You need to get him home as fast as you can if you want to have any chance of him surviving."

"You are coming with us right?"

"No. Why would I? I need to go and find another pack to join so I don't get killed as a Rogue."

"But you can join my pack! I've already told you that you are welcome. Without you, my brother would most likely be in worse shape than he already is right now. I owe it to you that Rayne is still alive. I swear, Dion if you don't come back with us I will send out warriors to drag your ass back to my pack. And I don't go back on my promises if I can help it."

Dion says nothing, coaching Rayne through another contraction. Dion reaches down and feels at Rayne's private area.

"Alright, Rayne. Only a couple more pushes and your baby will be out. You can do it."

Before Rayne has the chance to respond, Afton bursts through the door bloodied and angry.

"You," He screams, pointing at Dion. "You betrayed me! After everything I've done for you! I kept your filthy mother alive for years! But now since you've broken my trust I have gone back on our previous deal!"

Afton throws the decapitated head of a woman at Dion's feet. Dion retches, scrambling away from the bloodied head. I step in front of Rayne and the pups, protecting them from Afton. But Afton doesn't see us. He only sees Dion, the man who betrayed him.

"I am the only one alive! Those filthy mutts retreated and left me alone! All of my men are dead! I have nothing left! No army! No pack! Now you are going to join my pack. I am going to rip you limb from limb!"

I block the sight of Afton and Dion from Rayne and the pups. I help Rayne through his contractions. One by one he reaches closer to giving birth. The coppery stench of blood and sounds of fighting fill the air.

I look down to find that Rayne had managed to push the pup's head out. He gives one final weak push before groaning tiredly and leaning back.

"Can't... no more..."

"It's okay Rayne. It's okay. I can see the pup's head and shoulders. I should be able to pull the rest of him out. Just breathe and try to relax. It's almost over."

"Sage... I want his name to be Shiloh."

"Okay, Rayne. Shiloh Lancaster. How does that sound?"

"Perfect," Rayne smiles weakly. "It's perfect..."

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