Chapter 12

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I had been ignoring Caden ever since he saw me pulling out my Little things. It's been over a month that I'd come in contact with Caden. I did not want to face him. I couldn't...

How could I face him when I know he will most definitely reject me for being different.

He's a head warrior for goddess sake! He catches the eye of every wolf in our pack. He could have anything he wanted.

He already got cursed with a dumb omega mate. Now he is stuck with a dumb omega mate who also has serious issues. I've tried to stop it for years. I had been successful for quite a bit. But one little incident and I'm back at square one.

Today Adrian had asked me to go shopping at the mall in the city with him. I happily agreed, thankful to have the chance to get out of this house. Away from Caden.

My wolf howls in my head, wanting our mate. I push him away though. Today is about Adrian. I know that he is in desperate need of a distraction. I know that an abortion was performed on him, but the shot that would kill a normal fetus did not work because of Sage's powerful Alpha genes flowing greatly through the pup already.

I'm sure that Adrian is not happy, Fallon has told me that he told Adrian he will think of the pup as his own if they choose to keep it.

Adrian has told me that he is already looking for packs that need an heir but don't have one.

I won't admit to Adrian that I want him to keep the pup. That I so badly want to meet my little nephew and get to know him. To see him grow to be a strong amazing Alpha. But ultimately this is Adrian's decision. Especially that the shot did not terminate the pup in the first place.

Adrian did not get the option of whether or not he wanted to have a pup.

A knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts. Adrian opens the door with his good hand, the other wrapped in a pastel purple cast. He wears a matching lavender purple sweatshirt and light grey jeans.

"Are you ready to go, Rayne?" Adrian asks me while stepping into my room a little more.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Just let me get some money from my dad."

Adrian purses his lips together and nods. He had been avoiding my dad ever since the shot did not work. My dad knows that he needs some time to get used to the fact that he will be having Sage's pup. But even if he will not admit it, I know that it hurts him to see that Adrian- his son in law- is going to get rid of his grand pup and can't even face him to talk about it.

It hurts all of us that Adrian might get rid of him. But like I said, it's not up to us.

Adrian and I make our way to dad's office. I knock on the door and hear a grunt on the other side. A signal to enter.

I open the door to find daddy curled up in dad's arms, crying lightly into his chest. Dad comforts

"Daddy?" I say at the same time they Adrian questions, "Luna?"

Daddy looks up startled. His eyes lock on mine before gliding over to Adrian's small but noticeable baby bump.

Adrian sees this and looks down in what I can only describe as a look of guilt and shame.

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