Chapter 8

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I walk down the long hallway of the pack house towards my older brother Elijah's room. Elijah is only six months older than me, born when our parents returned to the pack house from where they were kept hidden all those years ago.

I knock at the door before taking a step back. The door creaks open and a head with a large mass of brown curls pokes out from the crack. Elijah pushes open the door a little more to reveal a small boy with tired bright blue eyes, still in his pajamas.

Elijah was thought to be of a beta status but as he grew older his omega genes pushed through more than his beta genes. Even though he is older, I am still taller and stronger than him.

"Fallon? What are you doing up so early?" Elijah asks tiredly.

"It's three in the afternoon, Elijah. You've slept in yet again." I reply. Elijah's lips turn up into a grin before opening his door all the way and stepping to the side.

"Come on in!" Elijah stumbles into the room and flops quite dramatically onto his bed. I walk into his plain grey room and sit at the other end of his bed.

Elijah grabs a water bottle from the nightstand and starts gulping down water. I take a deep breath and ask him, "you've had sex before, right?"

Elijah spits out the water in a spray of mist. He sputters and chokes. I lean over and pat on his back until the coughing subsides.

"Why in the hell would you ask me that?!"

"I mean... ever since Maggie died... have you hooked up with anyone?" I ask softly.

Maggie was Elijah's mate. She was a beautiful girl with light blond hair and vibrant green eyes. She was such a kind omega and was sweet to everyone she had met. When Maggie has moved into the pack house with Elijah she was so happy to be welcomed into our family. She talked frequently about how many pups they were going to have, and how their lives would play out together.

One day Maggie was picking flowers with some of the pups from the orphanage. A pack of feral rogues attacked them. Maggie fought hard to keep the rogues away from the pups. She lost her life as well as two other pups. A five-year-old and a two-year-old.

We made a separate garden in honor of Maggie filled with her favorite flowers. Daffodils covered a large area of our land now, reminding all of us of the beautiful soul that was Maggie.

Elijah went to the garden on the seventh of each month. The day that Maggie was taken from us. He'd just sit in the garden next to her grave. Sometimes he'd talk to her. Other times he'd just sit and cry. Elijah got over his stage of grieving and celebrated her life instead. He seemed to move on but the pain of losing a mate never really heals.

Elijah stiffens and sighs softly.

"Nope. I know she'd want me to be happy and all, but I just can't force myself to love anyone like that other than Maggie. But if you're asking if I know anything that remotely has to do with sex... you have come to the right place I guess."

Elijah opens the drawer in his nightstand and pulls out a cigarette. He offers me one and I take it. He lights out cigarettes and grabs an ashtray that he sets between us.

"What do you wanna know?" He asks.

"I don't know how to approach my mate about it. I mean I'm sure you found out through Rayne that Alpha Sage is my mate as well as the new Head Tracker Adrian. Like when we figure out stuff and Sage ends up accepting us... who is gonna top? Because it is wrong to assume that because of how small Adrian is, he is willing to bottom."

"That's very considerate of you, Fallon," Elijah says after taking a long drag from his cigarette. Smoke pours out of his nostrils before he releases the rest from his slightly parted lips.

"Maybe you should find him and talk to him. The sooner the better. I think that Adrian will appreciate that you took his opinion into consideration."

"Thanks for the talk, Eli. I'll see you around if you aren't sleeping by the time I'm done seeing Adrian."

Elijah smiles brightly and pulls me into a hug. I lean into his embrace and inhale his comforting scent, which was diluted from the smoke.

"I love you, Fallon," Elijah whispers. He kisses my temple and pulls away. He takes another drag of his cigarette before snuffing it out in the ashtray.

"Love you too," I snuff out my untouched cigarette and head my way towards Adrian's comforting scent.

I follow his scent, which leads to my bedroom. I walk in to see Adrian sitting on the middle of our bed, tears streaming down his cheeks. Although he is crying, his lips are curved into a soft smile.

When he sees me, Adrian wipes at his eyes and crawls off of the bed. He walks over and hugs me tightly. I wind my arms around his narrow waist and pull him up into my arms.

Adrian laughs and buries his face into my neck.

"Hi," he whispers.

"Hi, baby. What's wrong? Why were you crying?"

"I'm just happy. I'm happy that you're here. As soon as I smelt your scent from down the hall I started to cry. I don't know why. I think that I am going into heat. I did not think it would come so soon. Do you think that I'm in heat?" Adrian sighs softly and his head lolls back to look me in my eyes.

Omegas often cried in the beginning of their first heat because of the immense pleasure and pain they felt. It was normal and Adrian was definitely experiencing his first heat.

"Do you want me to do something about your heat?"

Adrian pulls my head down and kisses my temple. "Mmhmm," Adrian pulls me down onto the bed and begins kissing me with a fierce passion.

I pull off Adrian's clothes gently, our lips staying connected. I grasp his erect member and pump him slowly.

Adrian mewls and arches up into me. I settle head between his quivering thighs and begin to pleasure him.

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