Chapter 34

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I felt weightless...

Floating aimlessly through a beautiful sea of clouds and a powerful light. I feel the sudden urge to be engulfed in that light. I go towards that growing light, dazzling golden beams shining down on me as I approach it.


A strong elegant voice of a female greets me as I come to a stop at the source of the light. A woman stands- more like hovers on a cloud. She has golden skin that seems to shimmer and flow like water with her movements. Her hair has the same water-like effect but the color is white. She has no clear facial features. No mouth or nose, just glowing wolf-like eyes.

The woman had a calming aura surrounding her. Very maternal. It made me want to curl up in her arms while she sang to me and rub my back. Just like my daddy used to do to me before I went to bed when I was a little pup.

Just by looking at the ethereal woman I could tell exactly who she was. My wolf was clawing at my mind for me to let him out and meet his creator.

"Moon Goddess..."

Why are you here? You, my sweet little creation, are not supposed to be at my gates so soon.

"I got pregnant. The risks were extremely high and I guess I didn't survive. Is that why I'm here? Am I dead?"

Yes, you are dead. You were in a coma for one month. You flatlined five times over the course of three days before your heart finally fluttered to a stop. Your mate, pups, friends, and family are gathered around you. They are deeply saddened by your passing.

"You mean that it just happened? I just died? It feels like I've been floating up here for years!"

It is because I've been holding you there as I made a decision. Time moves much slower within the clouds than it does anywhere else. It allows a spirit to wait comfortably if I ever need to think about where I want to place said spirit. It is difficult in some cases because I can only interfere with fate every once in a while. Even then I cannot change the future. The reason I have been struggling with what to do with you is that your part on Earth is not finished.

"Why couldn't you stop Sage from getting hurt? I feel like that could have been preventable I would much rather you stopped him from being assaulted. He didn't deserve to get hurt by Afton. He was trying to protect me and he really didn't want to get pregnant. He was and is so scared and I never want him to feel afraid."

Unfortunately what happened to Sage was expected. Although I did not agree with what occurred, it needed to happen for his son Kalen to be brought into the world. He will be an important person in one of my future creation's life. I can not interfere with every awful thing that happens. I cannot control what my creations choose to do. And I can only nudge them along the right path so much. Sometimes bad things have to happen to make way for something amazing. Everything happens for a reason, Rayne. And even I may not know the reasons in some cases. But I know that nothing is a coincidence. You are here for a reason Rayne. But you belong down on Earth...

Moon Goddess lifts her hand and an image swirls from within the clouds. Shiloh appears in the image, whimpering and crying, clutching onto a body. My body...

Shiloh's soul was brought up to me once. The cause of death was a stabbing. You being hurt by Carlisle. He was here in my kingdom for two weeks before disappearing in a flash of light. Shiloh's ranking changed when he was brought back to Earth for a second chance. His scent changed to one of an Alpha. He was meant to live. Meant to be with you and your mate together as a family. That is why I am sending you back.

"Sending me back? Really?"

You do not deserve a fate as cruel as this. I may not be able to give you back your ability to have children but I am positive you will be happy with having your life back. It will not be as easy as me snapping my fingers and you being able to go back to how you lived before. You will have a long and hard recovery but in the end, I will make sure you live as close as you can to the life you led on before. I will grant you the ability to speak and have mobility in your arms. So you can enjoy your little pups while they are young. That is all I can do for you. I am already bending the rules by bringing you back from the dead.

"Thank you... I appreciate everything you are doing for me. I will forever be in debt to you, Moon Goddess."

I bare my neck in a submissive pose to Moon Goddess. She reaches out to me and caresses my cheek. I gasp at the electric feeling of my creator. There was no other feeling like it, no way to describe the lightness I felt within my body.

A small light blooms from my chest over my heart. The light expands outward, blurring my view of Moon Goddess.

My heart begins to burn, a feeling of great pain filling my entire being. I gasp in pain, my chest heaving as I get pulled under a dark blanket of shadows. My mind whirls as I am catapulted towards the nothingness.

I fall faster, the air pressing harshly against me as I plunge deeper and deeper. A sudden force rife harshly at me and I am thrown against something hard.

My chest jolts and with a harsh crack my body whirrs back to life. My eyes fly open and all I see is the blurry images of faces surrounding me. My ears pick up on a heart monitor that beeps erratically in the distance. I feel as if I am underwater, my vision foggy and my hearing terrible. It sounded like I was listening through water clogged ears.

The first thing I feel is my three pups clinging onto me. My instinct is to scoop them up and hold me to my chest but my body feels sluggish and I can't move at all. I hear distant shouts all around me and the frantic voices of my family calling out to me. One voice pierced through them all. The one voice I have been wanting to hear.



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