Chapter 31

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I cry out, baring down on the floor. Dion holds my hand and guides me through the steps of giving birth. He helps me with my breathing and tells me to push when it feels right. I lay beside Rayne and hold onto his weak hand as well.

I had woken up early two days ago to a pain in my abdomen. I screamed and screamed until Afton sent Dion to check on me. He immediately ran back upstairs and brought down ten clean sheets, a scale, four small squares of cloth, and water.

Two days pass and I am still not even close to giving birth. The pain was so intense that I passed out twice already. Never again will I tease another pregnant woman when she says that giving birth is the most painful thing in the world. Ever.

Rayne was close to his due date as well. He could give birth any day now. Any minute he could go into labor. It terrified me. I couldn't lose my brother like this. This couldn't be the end for him.

Rayne could barely sit up let alone push out an alpha pup. I don't think that either of them will make it through the birthing process. I clutch onto Rayne's hand tighter as I feel another strong contraction hit.

"I think your first pup is ready to come out," Dion says, spreading my legs to check on my dilation.

I push when my wolf tells me to push. I rest when my wolf tells me to rest. And soon enough I feel Dion pull the pup from me. Loud cries fill the room as Dion cleans off the pup.

I tense up as Dion places the pup onto my chest. The pup had a small cloth diaper on and a small band on his arm that had 'Baby A: 9lbs 6oz' scrawled in black marker on it.

The pup has sandy blond tufts of hair and a more cat-like eye shape. I wanted him nowhere near me. I keep my hands off the pup, letting him squirm and find my nipple on his own. Rayne reaches up with shaking hands and helps the pup, stroking his back as he suckles on my nipple. The feeling makes me want to push him away but I stay still.

"He's beautiful," Rayne whispers. "What are you going to name him?"

"I don't care. You name him. He'll be your pup technically."

The look in Rayne's eyes tells me that he's not happy with my answer. He ponders the name as he pets the pup's fuzzy little head.

"I am going to name him Kalen," Rayne decides.

"Kalen King? Are you sure about that?"

"Well if he is going to be my pup his name would be Kalen Lancaster. Technically my last name isn't King anymore since Caden and I have completed our mating."

"Right. I forgot."

"Unless you want to keep the pup?" Rayne looks up at me hopefully. I shake my head no and he sighs deeply. Another big contraction makes me clench my stomach and groan.

"Looks like your second pup is ready to join his brother," Rayne says.

Dion wraps Kalen in a blanket and places the pup next to Rayne's body while he prepares me for my second pup.

Another three hours pass before my pup finally makes an appearance. The pain was less than the first time I pushed a pup out. This time it was two times easier. This pup was smaller than Kalen. An average-sized pup. Dion hands me the pup, a small band on his wrist has 'Baby B: 6lbs 5oz' written on it.

The pup looks exactly like I did when I was a pup. Black fuzzy hair, thin lips, and round-shaped eyes.

"This pup is going to be named... Hunter. Hunter Lancaster," Rayne says.

I feed the pup and pass it over to Rayne so the pups can both form a bond with him.

I keep my distance from the two pups, busying myself with the food Dion had prepared for me earlier. Rayne begged me multiple times to come to talk to him. To be near him. But that would require me being near the pups.

After hours and hours of Rayne pleading, I stand on wobbling legs and slowly make my way across the room to where Rayne lay, holding two bundles in his shaking arms.

I sigh, taking the pups so he can rest his body. I sit with my back against the wall, helping Rayne lay in between my legs with his head on my chest. My stomach had healed back into its original size and shape from before I was pregnant so Rayne had no problem laying comfortably on me.

I place the pups on Rayne's lap and keep hold of them so they won't fall if Rayne dozes off. Rayne's tired eyes meet mine from his spot on my chest.

"You did an amazing job, Sage," Rayne compliments.

"Thank you," I reply.

I just want you to know that I love you. You have been the best older brother I could have ever asked for."

"Rayne..." I knew where this was going and I didn't want to hear it. He said goodbye to me every time he went to sleep. He said it more often now that he was approaching his due date fast.

"Please, Sage. Please just listen to me. You have been there for me as long as I can remember. You stood up for me when some of the kids at school made fun of me. You were there when I had no friends and convinced me that all I needed was you and our tree fort. We had so many memories there. It was our sanctuary... The one place we could get away from everyone else and be kids for once. Not future leaders of a pack. Well... you being the future leader. Not me, of course. I guess what I am trying to say is that I regret nothing. I lived a full life with no regret and that is good enough for me. I can die in peace knowing that you will be there for my pups my mate and our family. I love you, Sage."

"I-I love you too, Raynie... so much!"

Rayne's eyes scrunch you and he clutches his stomach. He groans in pain and bares down, his breathing beginning to increase in pace.

No... not now! I can't lose him now! I haven't kept my promise! I promised him that he'd see our family and Caden before he died! He can't go into labor now!

"Dion," I scream. "Dion! Please help me! It's Rayne! Help!"

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