Chapter 23

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Sage calls out from the bed, trying to sit up before falling back down onto the pillows propped up behind him. Fallon rushes over to his side to help him sit up properly. Sage's gaze meet mine and lock onto me, scanning every inch of me with his eyes.

"Sage," Fallon says. "What is the last thing you remember before you woke up?"

"I... I remember seeing you," he says pointing to me. The deep timbre of his voice reaching down into my core. I shudder.

"It was night. I smelt this amazing smell. I ran out of my room and out of the house. I saw you and... and you are my mate. So I ran back inside. When I was younger I made wooden carvings for my future mate. I made two. I never knew why I made two carvings. Until I caught onto your scent, Fallon. I was so... happy. I ran upstairs to bring you my gifts. And... and I remember a man. He wasn't from our pack. He was a rouge, I believe. He smiled at me... and that's the last thing I remember. He must've knocked me out. How long have I been out for? An hour? Two?"

"Sage..." Fallon bites his bottom lip which is trembling slightly. "The man... he used Sun Magic on you." Sages eyes widen.

"He controlled you for months. Four long months. He took you away from us because one of the warriors from our pack was his son and he believed that we were hiding him. The Rogue Carlisle was the one who was controlling you the whole time. Caden-the warrior- is Rayne's mate. Can you believe that? Little Raynie has his own mate now. And we have a mate to share as well! Our mates name is Adrian by the way. Raynie is happy with Caden and they make a cute couple."

Sage- the color now drained from his face- his lips silently forming his little brothers name. Fallon reaches out to grip one of Sage's large hands.

"This next part is going to be really hard for you to hear. But you need to be told this to understand what occurred in it's entirety. Before the man took you away you completely freaked out. You tried to attack me and Adrian and ended up hurting Rayne. You cut into his chest with your claws. They put you in a cell until you calmed down. Then before you left the pack house, Carlisle ordered to rape Adrian."

Sage gapes, his eyes flitting back to me. I can't help but shy away from his gaze. His eyes fill up with tears and flow down his cheeks, a stray sob slipping from his lips. He looked absolutely torn up about it.

"I-I'm so sorry," he murmurs. I open my mouth to try to say something... anything reassuring. But nothing comes out so I let Fallon continue.

"That night when it happened, Adrian ended up baring your pup. In all honesty at first he tried to abort it but the pup showed strong signs of Alpha genes. And a little later the scent faded. Your pup was just a regular no ranking wolf after all. Adrian gave birth a few days ago. He named the pup Flynn. Would you like to meet him? I know that this might be a lot for you to take in right now but just know that Adrian and every one else do not blame you for what happened."

I walk up to Sage's bedside and slide in next to him. I stroke his cheek, rubbing away the tears that make small lines down his face. Fallon positions Sage's arms in a way so that he can hold Flynn comfortably. With trembling hands, he cradles Flynn close to him.

"He's so small... so beautiful..." Sage whispers. He looks up at me and gives me a broken half smile.

"Adrian... I cannot express how much guilt I feel, knowing that I hurt you the way I did. Even though I was being controlled, it should have never happened. You look so... fragile. I just can't imagine how much pain you feel being so close to me."

"I don't blame you, Sage." I say. "I know that you had no say in what you did. You can't even remember what happened. I was hurt, I'll admit. But I knew deep down that you weren't that cruel. From what I heard about you from your friends and family, I couldn't wait for the day that came when I could finally meet the real you. And look at the beautiful pup we made. Good things come from unfortunate situations. Please do not think about what you did while you were under the influence of Sun Magic. Let us move on so we can get to know each other. So we can be a family. Can you do that for me, Sage? Can you at least try for Flynn's sake?"

Sage nods slowly. I lean over and press a soft kiss to his quivering lips. He hesitantly kisses me back, mating sparks tingling in my body as our souls intertwine.

The sound of Flynn cooing beneath us pulls us apart to look at our son. Flynn sees Fallon and giggles, reaching out for his father. Then he catches Sage's movements and his eyes dart up to his other father. His little eyes crinkle as he gives Sage a toothless grin. Sage smiles back, running his hand over Flynn's head.

Sage gathers the strength to lift Flynn up into his arms so his little face rests in the crook of Sage's neck. He scents his pup while Flynn does the same.

"My little pup," Sage mumbles, while nuzzling Flynn. Flynn sucks on his little thumb as he lets his father nuzzle and rub against his head. His fuzzy hair sticking up every which way from the static of Sage's nuzzles.

"How old are you?" Sage asks me.

"I'm twenty one." I reply.

"Wow, I thought you were younger than me. You sure look younger. Perhaps it is because you are an omega. I'm only seventeen. Fallon won't be seventeen for a couple weeks. I never thought that he'd be the youngest one in his relationship when he found his mate," Sage laughs as Fallon teasingly nudges his side.

Fallon slides into the bed on the other side of Sage and kisses him as well. We need to do our best to make Sage feel happy and have him stay away from stressful situations so he can get used to being back home.

The best thing we can do is keep him in Fallon's room for a little while and have me, Fallon and Flynn stay with him. Flynn already loves the attention that his father was giving him so it won't be hard to keep Flynn in one place.

The next thing that Flynn does surprises us all. He sneezes, which at first seems like a normal thing for a pup to do. But while in mid sneeze he shifts into a small brown pup.

"Oh my Goddess," Sage whispers.

"I've never seen a pup shift this early before..." Fallon says, staring at little Flynn in awe as he tries to stand up on his wobbling tiny legs. He yips softly, wobbling over to me, walking like a baby deer taking their first steps.

I cheer the little pup on, smiling and giggling as he lands face first in my lap. I scoop him up into my arms and smooch his little furry face all over.

"You really are amazing, Flynn!" I laugh as he laps at my cheek, yipping and squirming around in my arms. I pass the wiggling pup around to Sage and Fallon so they could fawn over their pup, Sage's chest puffing out with pride for Flynn.

I look up at the clock that reads eleven thirty. It was late and definitely past Flynn's bed time. I peek out the window to see a large and full blue moon high up in the starry sky. Maybe Flynn's sudden shift had something to do with the moon. Pups usually had their first shift around six months old so that the wolf side of them could learn to walk and run with them.

Fallon taps my shoulder to get my attention. Flynn-now shifted back into his human form- lays on Sage's chest, sleeping soundly yet again. Sage is as also asleep, subconsciously stroking his pups little cheek with his pointer finger.

My stomach grumbles in hunger and I hear Fallon's doing the same.

"Do you think they'll be okay for a minute while we go bring up something to eat really quick?" I ask.

"Let's hurry," Fallon says climbing out of bed and swinging open his door. He sprints down the hallway. I giggle, sprinting hard to catch up to him.

I jump when I am close enough to Fallon, successfully clutching onto his back. I wrap my legs around his torso and he holds me in place with his hands. He laughs as I press kisses to his neck and cheek.

"I love you, mate," he whispers as he slows to a stop at the kitchen entrance.

I press a chaste kiss to his lips before hopping down and rummaging through the huge walk in refrigerator.

"Ham or turkey?" I call out to him as he pulls out the bread from a cabinet.

"Both," he says back.

I laugh, grabbing the American cheese and a head of lettuce as well.

"Let's make some to bring to Caden and Raynie. I'm sure that Caden is awake and I wouldn't want him to go without dinner tonight. He definitely hasn't left the room today." Fallon says while spreading a small bit of mayonnaise onto the slices of bread with a dishwasher stained butter knife.

My mood sobers up as I think about Rayne's condition.

"There's got to be some way for the doctors to help Rayne. Build him a new womb, for Goddess sake! This can't be it for him!"

"There's nothing else they can do for him, Adrian. I know it's sad but as harsh as it sounds, he is going to have to deal with it. Everything will be okay in the end though. Caden certainly won't leave him because he can't produce pups for him. I think one day he will get over it and move on so he can live happily with his mate. All will be well, Adrian. You'll see."

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