Chapter 4

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I walk down a dark hallway in the pack house. Everything is quiet for the most part. The floorboards make soft creaking sounds with each step I take. I stop when I hear footsteps that aren't mine.

It sounds like someone is running down another hallway. I pay no mind to it and keep going.

The sweet honeydew melon scent of my mate becomes stronger. I must be close to his room if his scent is this strong.

I round a corner and slam into a tiny body hard. I crash to the floor, the small figure falling as well. The figure lands on top of me on my chest.

Sparks explode between me and the figure. I gasp sharply.


A small boy pulls himself up from my chest, panting heavily. I find myself staring at the most dazzling bright green eyes that I have ever seen. The boy has white hair along with fluffy white wolf ears. He has a cute button nose and rosy cheeks. His lips are plump and pink. This small boy looks so familiar to me.


Rayne puts his little hands on mine, which are propping me up into a semi-sitting position. His slender fingers wrap around my wrists in a gentle hold. He buries his head into the crook of my neck and lets out a soft whine.

"Mate..." Rayne whispers. He runs his nose across my collar bone, taking in my scent.

I sniff at his hair. He smells so good. I try to wrap my hands around Rayne. He lets go of my wrists just to wrap his arms around my neck.

Before he can put his face back onto my shoulder, I place my forehead against his. Rayne leans in and presses his soft luscious lips to mine. I growl lowly in my throat. I lean forwards pushing Rayne down onto the floor. I continue to kiss my small mate gently.

I pull him close to my body and haul us both off the floor.

"Where's your room," I growl into his ear. Rayne shivers and moans.

"The end of the hallway and up a flight of stairs," Rayne whispers. His voice is so angelic. I could listen to him talk for hours.

I make my way to my little mate's bedroom and lay him on his large bed.

Rayne pulls me down on top of him, continuing to kiss me. He pulls away and pats the space next to him on the bed.

"What's your name?" Rayne asks me, seeming to forget about how aggressively we were just making out. I chuckle softly and slide down next to him.

"Caden. I already know your name, Rayne." I murmur.

"How?" He asks.

"I met you a very long time ago. I was there when you were born. A day after you were born I left for warrior training camp. I also trained with your uncle Wade. He talked about you and your family a lot. Whenever I heard your name I felt a connection towards you. I knew that there would be something between us one day." I wasn't completely lying to him. I just cannot tell him the whole truth just yet.

I press my hand against his cheek. He lets out soft little purring noises. I smile at this, me and my wolf loving how adorable Rayne is being.

Rayne snuggles close to me. He yawns softly and presses his face against my chest. His hands reach out to play with the ring on my necklace. I see that he is wearing his as well.

"Sometimes... I thought that I would never find my mate. I had this dream that... never mind. It's stupid. Just... tell me more about you." Rayne lets go of my necklace and wraps his arms around me.

I want to learn about my mate and tell him about myself, but I really want to know about his dream now. What did he see that made him think that he would not have a mate?

"Well... I was chosen to be the next Head Warrior-," Rayne interrupts me.

"Can I see your wolf?" He asks me. I chuckle softly.

"Of course." I grin, realizing how short of an attention span my little one has. He just jumps from one subject right onto the next without warning.

I sit up in the bed, taking my clothes off. I feel Rayne's gaze on my lower regions. He looks up into my eyes and blushes. His cute face turning a tomato red.

I shift into my sandy blond wolf. I curl up next to Rayne, cocooning him in my warmth. Rayne begins to shed his clothing as well.

He shifts into a tiny pure white wolf. If I had not known his age, I would have thought he was just a little pup.

Rayne whimpers and snuggles back into my side. He lets out soft purrs as I begin to lap at the top of his head. I lick his muzzle and his cold wet nose.

Rayne sticks out his light pink tongue and laps near my eye. A soft growl rumbles in my chest. My wolf pushes to the front of my mind and so does Rayne's wolf.

Mate. My wolf growls.

What shall you name me, mate? Rayne's wolf purrs out. All my wolf wants to do is mount him and make him ours.

Your name will be Idris. You will be named after my human's father.

Idris yips happily. My heart swells at my wolf's words. My father was everything to me and that my wolf would honor him meant so much.

Your name... Idris says. Will be... Achilles. Because I think it means 'warrior' I did not pay attention in school that much. Good thing my human did though. Idris cocks his furry head to the side.

Hmmm... even if the definition of the name is wrong I like it. Achilles. Achilles! Oh! I remember now. I think he possibly had to do with something about Greek Gods! I remember!

Idris yips happily and pounces on top of me. Our wolves roll around and play fight until we hear a knock on Rayne's door.

Our wolves give us back control and we shift back, quickly pulling our clothes back on.

"Who is it?" Rayne asks.

"It's daddy." Someone says from outside the door.

"Oh, daddy! Come in! I found my mate!" Rayne exclaims happily.

The door opens to reveal a small omega with white hair, white wolf ears, and a long fluffed tail, and mismatch green and blue eyes.

I remember Luna Eden when he was giving birth to Sage and Rayne. He still looks like he did when he was seventeen. Luna Eden smiles at me.

"Caden. It's nice to see you again. Congratulations on becoming the future Head Warrior. Rayne, you should get some rest. So should you, Caden. I've come to say goodnight."

Luna Eden walks over to the bed and has us both get underneath the covers. Luna Eden reminds me of my mother, the way he is acting so kindly and... well, motherly.

He bends over and kisses Rayne's cheek lovingly. Luna Eden pats my shoulder and straightened up.

"Alpha Zaryn would like to see you in his office when you wake up. You can sleep in for as long as you would like. I'm sure Rayne will show you to his office tomorrow. Goodnight, you two." Luna Eden says.

"Goodnight daddy," Rayne whispers as he cuddles into my side.

"Goodnight Luna Eden." I pull Rayne as close as I can. Luna Eden turns off the light and closes the door.

I yawn and get into a more comfortable position. I kiss Rayne on the lips and he kisses back gently.

I whisper a soft goodnight to him and let the darkness consume me as I fall into a peaceful sleep with my little one beside me.

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