Chapter 10

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As I walk back from the training grounds, covered in sweat and dirt, my heat begins... Again. I guess you get double everything with two mates. A sharp pain goes through my stomach and I gasp, panting harshly as I hurry my way back to Fallon's bedroom.

I take a detour down a hallway that is being renovated. Fallon has told me that there was a fire on this hallway and that no pack members had stayed here ever since. But people sometimes use it as a shortcut to get to the upper-level bedrooms through a direct staircase that winds all the way up to the top floor.

I am almost to the bedroom before I bump into Sage. Quite literally.

Sage growls lowly in his throat and backs me up into the wall. I gasp sharply as my back slams against the hard surface.

Sage begins to tear my clothes off right in the middle of the hallway. I cry out, pushing him away from me. He stumbles back, but quickly recovers and makes another advance towards me.

My cock swells inside my pants and my lusty eyes lock with his. I want

I pull Sage forward and kiss him harshly. My lust for him clouding over my reasoning. Sage breaks away from my lips to kiss down the side of my neck. My head rolls to the side and I am met with the pale grey walls of the pack hallway.

I snap out of my daze and push Sage away from me for the second time.

"No!" I yell at him. Sage growls lowly in his throat. "Not here! Are you fucking crazy?! What if somebody sees us?"

Sage snarls at me and tugs me into the closest empty room.

I keep his face away from mine to check that this actually was an unoccupied room. And it was.

Only a small bed stood at the far corner of the room. The rest of the bedroom was void of any furniture or personal belongings. A guest bedroom. One that hasn't had damage inflicted by the fire.

Sage locks the door behind us and shoved me against it. He finally tears the rest of my clothes off, leaving me naked and exposed to him. My leg is lifted up into his hip as his pants slide to the ground.

He presses up into me so that I can't move. I feel a tugging on my hands that turn into a stinging pain as a rope is secured around them. I cry out in surprise as the rope bites into the soft flesh of my wrists.

My cock hardens even more, thinking he is going to turn this into a sexy game. I let Sage tie my wrists even tighter, my wolf purring in my head.

Sage then punches me hard in the stomach. I double over, gasping in pain. Sage throws me onto the bed and pries my legs open. I kick him in the chest and snap my legs closed. My erection immediately dies down as I realize what is about to happen. My wolf whimpers in anguish in my head as he catches on to Sage's intentions with me. This isn't fun anymore.

"Sage! What are you doing? Stop, please!" I scream at him and slam my tied fists against his chest. I once again curse myself for being an omega, not being able to overpower an Alpha no matter how hard I try.

I feel a sudden pang of anger as I think about all of my years of training. Being able to take down warriors over four times my weight and height. This makes me look like a weak and puts all of my tears of training to waste. Tears well up in my eyes. My father will never be proud of me now.

My pleading cries are stifled as Sage shoves his underwear into my mouth, keeping it in place with duct tape. I thrash around furiously, moving from side to side as I try to escape his harsh grasp.

Sage pries my legs open and grabs his cock, stroking himself a few times before roughly slamming into me dry.

I scream through the gag as pain erupts in my lower half. I feel the blood dripping down the crack of my ass and onto the bed sheets. Staining the white fabric red.

I sob, wailing into the gag as my breathing picks up and I begin to hyperventilate. My chest heaving as pain explodes in my heart and lungs as I fight to stay conscious.

Tears start their fast stream down my cheeks. Sage sets a faster pace of pounding into me, his cock pistoning in and out of me in a painfully hard rhythm.

My fingernails turn into claws so I dig them into Sage's shoulder. He growls and slaps me hard against my cheek. I see a flash of white spark in my vision and my ears begin to ring. Sage wraps his large hand around my throat and squeezes hard.

I cough and choke, my lungs burning for air. I kick my legs out, hitting any part of his body that I can find. My vision becomes blurry as I begin to fade away.

Sage let's go of my throat. I cough and sputter, trying to catch my breath and failing as his hips slamming into me knocks what little breath I have in my lungs out.

I look out the window at the setting sun. The vibrant pinks, yellows, oranges, reds, and purples are the last thing I see before my world goes black...

I wake up on my stomach with my ass up in the air. Sage is still ruthlessly pounding into my sore body. I immediately begin to squirm around, small whimpers leaving my aching throat.

Sage snarls and pins me down by holding me by the back of my neck. I turn my head out of the sheets so I don't suffocate. My eyes drift to the window to see that the sun is completely gone. The small digital clock on the nightstand says one thirty-six a.m.

A small sob gets caught in my throat as I realize how long this has been going on for. I left the training grounds at around four thirty and got back by five. I ran into Sage at around five thirty.

Sage has been violating me for the past nine hours or so.

I feel a steady stream of blood and cum dripping out of my ass as Sage none too gently pulls out of me. My hole clenches hard, trying to ease the pain surging through my whole body.

Sage pulls on his clothes before coming back over to me with a long coil of rope. As he bends down I send a weak kick to his face. I hear a sickening crack, and I know that I have just broken Sage's nose.

Sage howls in pain, clutching his face. Thick red blood running down his nose and onto his clean shirt.

He lunges at me, throwing punches to my stomach, face, and back. I curl up into myself, trying to shield myself from his punches that rain down on my body.

Sage cuts the rope that binds my hands with his claws and takes hold of my right arm, bringing his foot down onto it. I scream through the gag as my arm breaks, the bone jutting out from my skin. I choke, vomit quickly filling my mouth.

The gag prevents me from dispelling the puke out of my mouth so I have no choice but to swallow the foul liquid.

Sage pulls my arms and legs behind me, tying them all together. He shoves me off of the bed and onto the floor. I land on my chest, hearing my ribs crack. I moan in pain as I roll onto my side.

Sage shifts into his large black wolf. He charges towards the back wall and jumps through the window. Glass shards fly everywhere as he leaps down onto the ground and- what I am assuming- takes off into the woods.

My arm throbs harshly from being pulled back at such an uncomfortable angle. Blood pours from my wounds. I look down hazily to see my battered and bruised body.

Again I find my vision fading and I sink into darkness for the second time.




I wake to Rayne's melodic voice calling my name. My body is in all kinds of pain as my healing process is halted due to it being an Alpha that has inflicted pain onto me.

"Adrian! I want you to meet my friend Astra! I think you two will get along! Adrian? Where are you?"

I hear a pair of footsteps approaching the door to the bedroom.

"Oh my Goddess!" A girl's voice shouts. "I think I smell blood!"



They cannot find me here like this! Oh Goddess...they can't see me like this! What are they going to think of me?

My innocence was taken in the most painful way possible and now they are going to see me in such a vulnerable state.

I want Fallon...

My wolf cries out in pain.

The door bursts open revealing Rayne. His eyes widen and his mouth drops.

A tall girl with short brown hair and startlingly blue eyes stops in her tracks as well.

Rayne-who must have figured out what had happened and who did this to me- raises his hand to his mouth.

The next thing I know is that Rayne lets out a bloodcurdling scream...

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